View Full Version : Never Ending

26-08-15, 09:39

I have been posting on this a lot lately and seem to be making tracks and then falling back again. I feel like I am hyper sensitive to everything that is happening around me. An 'acquaintance' from my old school's best friend died and it was on Facebook and its made me really sad and anxious. 1. Because I feel terribly awful for him and everyone close to him 2. I start thinking I am just going to die 3. I feel like I am living a pathetic excuse for a life 4. People will have nothing nice to say about me when I die 5. I am petrified of dying

I mean, this was so far off my radar of worries just yesterday and it has now ruined my day if not week, if not month....

How do I get over it?

26-08-15, 13:40
Learn to manage what you focus on.

I had a disturbing thought yesterday. Sometimes I can picture scenarios I know are just me trying to disturb myself and whereas 90% of the time I'll immediately turn away from it, focus on something and forget it happened, sometimes, yesterday, I followed it to its conclusion and just winced as I did.

You really do have a choice over what you focus on, as long as you believe you do.

These things are just suggestions, ideas, images, movies that appear in your attention and you are free to move them on, change them, forget them if you want to. There is nothing positive achieved from letting them keep your attention and following them to their conclusions and disturbing yourself.

They came, you identified them as useless to you and you looked away and at something else instead and allowed yourself to forget it.

It then drifts off behind you like all the other nonsense and useless junk we can think about and see through the day.