View Full Version : It's back ..

26-08-15, 09:51
I was doing good at not googling for awhile. But the past few days that's all I have done. It's obviously making things worse. I'm so tired of all these weird aches and strange sensations in my chest. Nothing scares me more then something happening to me and me not being able to care for my babies.

Does anybody have "good streaks" where everything is great for a few weeks, then suddenly all your problems slap you in the face? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now.

& does anyone ever feel like one real strong heartbeat that feels like a shock through your whole body that takes your breath away? 😳

26-08-15, 14:08
It's really strange you say this -- I am going through a "dark" period the past couple of weeks! I was doing absolutely fine then BAM, all of a sudden, something happened (I don't know what) and my HA flared back up. I wonder if it's the change of the season? I'd LOVE to find a reason why haha.

26-08-15, 16:14
Yes and yes are the replies. All totally (if horrible) normal :)