View Full Version : I should quit watching TV--darned ads

26-08-15, 16:18
So watching tv, floating a long pretty well, haven't had a real episode in a long while. Then they have this ad where a guy talks about his chronic gas, and how people always used to laugh at him, then he got colon cancer. I lost my mind.

I am as chronically gassy as they come. I wasn't looking for symptoms, I haven't touched google in ten plus years, but now they are coming to me?!?! So here I sit, having just lost one of my best childhood friends to colon cancer way younger than they should, I see this ad, and now I went from feeling awesome to thinking my flatulent nature is cancer. I have been pretty gassy for a long time (years really), worse occasionally, but better occasionally too. Obviously if it were colon cancer I would have died years ago. I am only 44 but my friend was diagnosed at 42, so not I wonder at every fart...uggh. My mind drives me crazy...well, literally I guess.

Been a rough week, who knew watching a sit com would be the huge mistake it has turned out to be....

26-08-15, 16:28
Exactly if you'd had it all of these years then I think you're just fine. If you're concerned just bring up your gas/frequency at the doctor's - tell them the length of time you've had it for. They can either prescribe you something, tell you foods to eat and foods to avoid or just put your mind at ease. Some people are just generally gassier than others. While I am not, my best friend's fiance is - and it's actually led to his nickname Farticus. His soon to be father in law (my friend's dad) has a gas of a time making jokes of it with him... haha no pun intended there... ok maybe it was intended!

Anyway, I understand how one simple ad can throw you into a downward spiral. Not sure how ads in other countries are but in the US we do get a ton of these "you may have ____ and ____, if you _______. Ask your doctor about BRAND X and if BRAND X is right for you." Especially during the day time when kids are at school and stay at home moms and the older folk are sitting around the tv watching their Soaps and Game Shows; they target their audiences. I've noticed at night it gets better. And very late afternoon. I don't have cable anymore thankfully so I really only watch Netflix, Hulu and the occasional streaming online movie.

Hope your anxiety about this issue gets a bit of relief. Take care.

26-08-15, 18:11
:lac:Farticus, had to giggle.

I notice that you are both from The States and to the best of my knowledge we have some health adverts over here,but not that one.

80% of bowel/colon cancers start in the colon.How do I know ? because a few months ago I had a consultation which was routine with a rigid Sigmoidscope and then a few months later a flexi sigmoidoscopy.

The doctor told me in the near future, that every person over 50 will be given the option by the NHS to have this test every 5 years, as it is the third biggest cancer killer.

I believe this system already operates in The States.

It is sad to read when someone so young dies but at the same time one would have imagined that he had some symptoms beforehand.

26-08-15, 19:02
hi lofwyr...very sorry to hear of your friend's passing at such a young age...i think you eill be fine as others have said some people are gassier than others. If you are concerned see your gp he/she can reassure you...i too am concerned about CC and will be seeing my doctor later this afternoon about it...take care lofwyr..i hope your anxiety about this eases soon

26-08-15, 19:03
Lofwyr, the subject is not funny, but the wayin which you explained made me laugh.
I assume you will be fine but if you are so gassy why not tell the doc, it is probably something in your diet xx