View Full Version : Is it Anxiety?

26-08-15, 17:49
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here so will try keep short.

About 3 weeks ago I began to feel, not my self. I have used the word dizzy but it's not like vertigo, it's more disconnected and that I am in a trance. It's made work etc slightly harder but not detrimental.

Anyway earlier this week I was on a train and developed a sensation in the back of my head / top of my neck; like a warm feeling but it feels horrible!! It got to the point it was unbearable and thought I was going to pass out, however it passed after a few hours however I am terrified of this coming back!
I should mention due to my dizziness I am awaiting Lyme disease results which I am worried about however they will take some weeks.

I should mention around 2 months ago I was also having palpitations of the heart which "I think" brought on some sort of attack one night where my heart was racing, sweating, thought I was going to die generally.
My mum has anxiety however I thought myself a strong person like my dad.

I have now has this sensation to the back of my head for 3 days, it's minor but I am dreading it being as intense as it was that day on the train!!

I should mention I used to be a light social drug taker, mostly 1-2g of cocaine say, once every 2-3 months for around 2 years. I then developed a fear of it and so avoid it. I never really enjoyed it just was part of our social group (sad I know). Anyway around 5 weeks ago I took some white powder, no idea what it was, it wasn't much.... But my dizziness started around 2 weeks later.. Could this be connected?? I was fine the next 2 weeks however I'm not sure if I am being a typical of an anxious person and assuming it is....

i feel lost, I have never felt so low before and could do with some advice.
Are these systems of anxiety or have I done this to myself??

26-08-15, 22:44
It sounds to me like before any recent white powder you were having anxiety symptoms, palps, as far back as 2 months ago. And have been experiencing various anxiety symptoms since then. Have you been worrying excessively about stuff in recent months ?

Try not to worry about anxiety symptoms. I know they feel weird but if you accept they're just anxiety symptoms a lot of the fear is removed and less fear, less anxiety, less symptoms.

Try and get your mind off the whole subject and enjoy a pastime, exercise, anything enjoyable. Throw yourself into something stimulating.
Look after your diet, sleep habits etc and give your body time to find some balance again.

If you spend your time worrying it will only feed anxiety symptoms.

If you are worrying about things in recent months write it down and try and resolve it. I lost all of my anxiety symptoms when I solved a work problem in recent years the constant worry had me off balance and suffering from terrible brain fog.

27-08-15, 10:22
Yes I do appear to have been showing signs of it. I mean if I go back years I used to get butterflies before I would go out on a night out for fear of encountering drugs. I since run in a different crowd which has gone now.
I didn't see myself as a worrier but I am coming around to the idea I am. So to answe your question I have been worrying I suppose. I think a lot, seems too much. I mean my mood hasn't been affected too much, at least no one has really commented. I would have thought I would be maybe aggressive, moody irritable etc but I haven't seen visible signs.

I can handle it all except this sensation to the back of my head! It's horrible and everything stops until it goes. I was laying in bed last night. I didn't feel anxious and the sensation started, preventing me from going to sleep. I fear if it happens at work it may jeopardise my role which is concerning!

I mean it this warm sensation to the back of the head a common thing with anxiety? I find it strange it can persist for 3 solid days.... I can feel it all day but when it Flairs up its quite debilitating.

I mentioned the drug to the doctor and she said not to worry about that, systems would disappear after a short period.

27-08-15, 18:08
Yup that's anxiety. Your stress systems here to help you, continue what you're doing and let it know that there's no danger. The more you feed into, the more your brain will recognize your symptoms as dangerous which causes general anxiety. Relax, this will all be gone shortly and you're sure as hell not going to die. :)

03-09-15, 16:33
Guys thanks for the great responses! My pain has stopped as of Tuesday this week!

I have been trying to remain calm but something which did seem to be a game changer was a random post regarding tooth fillings which can cause this type of headache. I asked my dentist, thinking he would say I am crazy however he said it can happen.
As the filling made my normal bite (I.e the way I chew) different due to being slightly too high, which he confirmed, it affected the muscle in my neck and therefore the nerves running up the back of my head!
He grinded down the filling to a point where I could bite down as per usual on the Friday and by the Tuesday it was pretty much gone.

Something to bear in mind guys!!

I have come to realise I am anxious however and I think the service you guys provide to help people is fantastic. Know that I know I am coping well managing it!!

04-09-15, 11:50
Oh that's great news !

I love finding out things I am worrying about are harmless, a great feeling. :yesyes:

Teeth/neck eh, who would have thought that, brilliant.