View Full Version : Worried - blood in toilet bowl

26-08-15, 18:34
Very scared right now. Sorry, this is all a bit TMI, but I need to share. I hope someone can offer some reassurance. A couple of weeks ago, after a bowel movement (one which I strained for, as I had been constipated), I noticed bright red blood in the toilet bowl. I focused on drinking more water, eating more fiber, etc and I hadn't noticed anything since... until today.

I had what I thought was a normal movement today (no constipation) but again there was blood in the bowl. I'm terrified now. From what I can see there is no blood in the stool at all, just in the toilet water after I go. I am going to see a doctor tomorrow but very worried right now. Don't know how I am going to focus on work today. I did have an anal fissure a few years ago, but I only bled once that time (as far as I can remember).

26-08-15, 18:49
Don't worry, if the blood is bright red it is either a fisure or hemorroids. This will still be from straining last time.
You'll be fine x

26-08-15, 18:51
It IS bright red. Thanks Sial - that's definitely reassuring. HA is such a pain - there is always something to worry about.

26-08-15, 19:34
This happened to me a while ago, as soon as I saw the red water I went lightheaded and thought I was bleeding out (lmao). Even just a drop of blood in water is going to look like you've pooped a pint of blood.

As someone else said, if it is bright red it's not anything to worry about, although tell your GP to be on the safe side. It's almost definitely a fissure though.

26-08-15, 19:59
fissure or hemorrhoids. having a kid will usually give you temporary of the hems from the straining to push. and you are fine in the end from that. so i would say not to worry too much. see a dr. for reassurance/to check it's nothing else. blood in the bowel can be scary - but it's normal. and yeah you won't bleed out - speaking from experience after child birth and followed by the weeks of bleeding and golf ball sized blot clots from placenta. take care

31-08-15, 06:07
So I went to see my doctor. After a rectal exam (honestly, who would be a doctor), she confirmed I have internal hemorrhoids. I was relieved. She put me on fiber supplements and stool softener. Unfortunately, she also said that because I had issues with acid reflux a few months back, if I continue to have problems, I should go see a gastroenterologist :weep:

31-08-15, 06:15
She could just be playing safe and wanting a specialist to take a look. I've had roids since my early twenties because of the weightlifting (it's common with the straining) and at one point I was referred to a specialist for a review and he didn't believe anything was needed in terms of an op to correct them. GP's sometimes play safe so fight your HA off with that fact.

There are other things they can do for roids anyway so if it doesn't improve, you may need to apply a topical treatment. Been there, done that, for years. I've rarely had any flare ups in the last 10 years or so, even with the anxiety developing.

Try not to strain, get plenty of water as dehydration can make them bleed and so can alcohol.

31-08-15, 06:31
Thanks Terry. That's an interesting point about the alcohol. I had been drinking more lately (mostly summer beer drinking) so that may have been a factor. Do you find lifting weights helps with the anxiety? I think I need to get back exercising - I felt it helped a lot in the past, but I haven't really exercised at all in the last few months... which I guess may also be contributing to all of my issues.

31-08-15, 07:02
I've never had a problem with alcohol with mine, mel, but I've seen a few peolple across the boards mention it. Mine was more straining and diet than anything. (and too much wiping some days, so be careful with the rougher paper)

I haven't got back into the weights yet because I'm trying to sort out my bad knees & sciatica so I don't end up with injuries. Other people on here certainly say it helps them. I had my second big panic attack on the weights but I was knocking back a fair few stimulating (legal) supplements and a new one made my heart race badly and the adrenaline pump so it left me in fear of proper exercise. It bothers me a lot less now though so I'm raring to start once I get these other issues calmed down a bit.

I would just be wary of doing things like HIIT if you struggle with breathing/heart related symptoms. Do something easier at first and move upwards from there whether HIIT or not.

I can't see whhy it wouldn't help, it helps the body in general and it will be stimulating mroe dopamine to feel good. It will also help greatly with self confidence & self esteem which is often a big problem for us.