View Full Version : Weird genital related symptoms.. Scared

26-08-15, 19:13
I posted the other day in the health anxiety section & nobody replied and I just want someone to help or reassure me.

Okay so I have these weird sensations in my vaginal area and I cannot tell if they are caused by anxiety/touching the area during inspection. Or if they are caused by the real thing I'm worried about.

It is either a dull ache, or a tingling, or itching or a pinch sensation or just a general zapping feeling. All in different parts. Has anyone else experienced any weird anxiety symptoms down below before? It's really getting to me and leaving me unable to go out and be normal.

I'm not going to say again what the thing is that I'm worried about as I fear it may have been too weird and that's why no one replied...


Btw I know it's not thrush, UTI or an STD.

27-08-15, 13:04
Hi, is it more external or internal? It could be tight jeans or sitting a lot? Also, could be hormonal?

27-08-15, 13:36
I am assuming that if you say you don't have thrush, , UTI, STD that means you have been checked...so if they didn't see anything then you must be fine, it could be what CeeCeeCee has mentioned xx

27-08-15, 16:07
On top of what CeeCeeCee and sial said, like with any part of your body, if you sit and touch the area repeatedly and/or concentrate and think about it non-stop, you will start to notice various sensations, from a pulsing feeling, through to pains or tingles... This all contributes to convincing yourself that there is something wrong.

Hope you start to feel better soon :)

27-08-15, 20:12
I had this as well for some time, you should stop touching it firstly, you can think about it all you want but just don't touch it. Then after not having touched it for some time, realise that anxiety can make you feel weird things, then ask yourself "what's more likely? The doctors are right and I'm just obsessing over it or there's actually an issue there. Even if there was it's not a big deal.

27-08-15, 21:35
Thanks all. It is both internal and external, but that is true that I have been sitting and not doing much else, although I did find when I was out and about today I didn't feel stuff as much, this led me to believe it could well be anxiety/over touching/inspection of the area. I haven't been to a doctor although I am able to rule these out I have had experienced thrush and UTI and it's not the same, and an STD is impossible.

It happened when I got home from hanging out with my friend today, I hadn't touched it but then when it started it set me off into a panic again. I don't think I'm going to be fully alright until it stops completely.

But thanks for your comments, it has reassured me a little.