View Full Version : More problems

26-08-15, 20:16
[Please do not read if this could trigger a lung cancer worry I would not like to cause this feeling to anyone]
I am so thankful for this forum as it has helped me with each and every 1 of my worries. However I have a new found worry. Lung cancer. For the past 2 years I have noticed at times I yawn quite a lot and this often happened a lot due to my fear of ALS as i would focus on this worry. About a year ago I got myself in a massive panic as I started to think I wasn't breathing enough and started to control my breathing which made me have a panic attack. For a few weeks now I have been having a little bit of (could be percieved) numbness on my whole left side from and including my rib cage down to my abdomen which could be caused by anxiety as I always used to have this but only on my rib cage as at the time it was the thing I was focused on. Today I had a little bit of a cramping pain in my lower back which radiates a little bit to the front which I usually have rarely after showers. I have also noticed over the past year that after I play football which I did about twice-four times a month I would have a lot of phlegm and also some whites on the sides of my mouth which i think are caused by dry mouth when exercising and would cough a lot almost chocking at times and get hiccups but this would subside in about and hour but in the last year maybe 2 it has happened after every football session which has scared me. Could this be due to the fact we play for about 2-3 hours and not often and also I usually buy water only after we have finished so my throat gets dry. Also I have felt that I cannot breathe as well during the session but this could be due to me being unfit as I am fat. I have never smoked but used to stay with my mum when she did so used to get a lot of second hand smoke which gave me a reason to be scared about lung cancer. Then the thing that really got me in a panic was reading the survival statistics and reading that even if caught early survival statistics are quite low and this made me absolutely freak out. I have also felt like a numb feeling in the left side of my back which could be due to anxiety as i used to get it a few years back however the pins and needles are a first.I have recently also started playing tennis but this happens very rarely after tennis during which I drink water throughout. Could this be the cause? Now im feeling like I cant take a full deep breathe which i scaring me and also noticed after I climbed stairs relatively quickly I had to take a few deep breaths which also scared me as I have read breathlessness is a symptom and I also feel like I have some sort of liquid a bit thicker than saliva in my throat which could be due to me clearing my throat too much. I have also in the past day started to get a feeling a stitch on the bottom of both ribs even though I haven't done any exercise.
Note: I have been testing my breathing a lot which could be causing this as it doesn't happen often. Also I was scared as i found a clicking noise under my ribs when i pushed in which caused me to mess with my rib cage involving a lot of pushing and pressing which could have caused the strange feeling at the bottom of my left rib.
I know no one is a doctor but I have gotten so much help from this website to reassure me and hope someone has some advice or info to calm me down. I have also had some more burping and flatulence recently which relieves some symptoms for a few seconds. I also do not have a regular cough and have never coughed up blood however I do clear my throat a lot as when I think about it I always feel like there is something in the left side of my throat which can cause me to give irritate my throat due to clearing it constantly.

26-08-15, 20:33
With respect, you've gone from alzheimers to colon cancer to stomach cancer to lumps to lung cancer in the space of 3 weeks.

I understand your need for reassurance as it's a hallmark HA behavior but this is about anxiety and not some sinister illness. After all, you're posting on an anxiety forum.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

26-08-15, 20:37
Ive been to see a psychiatrist who said that she recommended medicine but I didnt really want to take meds so told me a few things to try and said to come back in 2 weeks

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Im sorry I keep polluting the forum with my worries but just typing it out helps as I have some hope of relief and i have gotten a lot of temporary relief from the forum which I am so thanful for.

26-08-15, 20:40
I take it those things to try aren't really helping. My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression. She's in therapy and takes meds. Between the two she's doing awesome! Just some food for thought.

Reassurance, as you can tell, only works for a short time at best before the fear returns or another fear comes up.

Hope things ease up for you soon.

Positive thoughts

26-08-15, 20:52
No not really. The thing is I can eventually convince myself otherwise but recently I have been going through the cancers with Dementia almost as a back up. So basically usually when I convince myself I dont have cancer I will stop but now I will go back to worrying about dementia until I find something else so its been a vicious circle.

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

I also got acid reflux after laughing and then burping is this normal? I usually get this after exercise as i explained but got it now is this bad?

26-08-15, 20:57
Think of it this way. The reassurance fix is like using motor oil to fix a transmission problem. It may work for a few miles but the transmission is going to fail anyway and you're still going to be stuck. Definitely make sure to see the psychiatrist again and consider regular sessions and meds.

Good luck and positive thoughts

26-08-15, 20:59
Thanks a lot I will talk to her tomorrow. 1 thing though do you know if acid reflux and hiccups can be linked if there is no underlying cause?

26-08-15, 21:17
not wanting to take meds is your choice..but i believe that anxiety about taking meds is another form of anxiety that can keep you from feeling better..id be in really bad shape without my meds