View Full Version : not posting because of negetive responces

26-08-15, 21:42
Im not posting any more because of negitive responces.iv found NMP to be a huge help over the years but recently found negitive responces to make me feel i should not post anymore..such a shame as this forum has helped me so much..

26-08-15, 21:57
Hey fella ......dont let anyone grind you down .

If you find the forum helpful stay on don,t let the odd knob get to you .
Sometimes its just how we read the responses the written word is not as easy to do as speaking face to face we see no body language .

My pm box is always open if anyone needs a chat .

blue moon
26-08-15, 22:03
Hi Greg:D

Like I said,keep posting and ignore the negative comments,you are a lovely man s do not let them get to you.

Love Petraxx:hugs:

26-08-15, 22:30

You are a really nice guy who I have found to be courteous to everyone. You are just you, an honest person who cares about others, is trying to recover and has time for other people.

I'm sure a lot of people around here feel just the same about you and will give you support when you need it.

PM is there when you need it. This forum is for you too. :hugs:

What you have said here must have taken a lot for you and shows courage.

27-08-15, 10:06

I don't think they are negative responses but maybe what you don't want to hear, if you are entirely honest with yourself.

I know how much you enjoy and rely on the input from NMP members and we all have a different way of posting.

One or two people can be quite blunt but that doesn't mean that they are being negative, it's just the way they see your situation, and you shouldn't be offended.

I myself wear my heart on my sleeve and have often advised you and also on occasions told you things which perhaps you didn't want to hear, but then again we all are sufferers, some more than others, so reconsider, as what have you got to gain by not posting.

27-08-15, 10:16
stick around Greg,it would be sad to see you go

Minstrel Memories
27-08-15, 11:02
Hi Greg
I have used this forum in the past and found it to be a great help
I fully agree with what Terry says in that you do come across as a guy who is both courteous open and honest please don't give up on the site

Incidentally I find Terry's comments always articulate,well presented never judgmental but always supportive

The site needs people like the Greg and Terry's of this world it has certainly helped me even if you are not aware of it

All the best mate you keep posting

27-08-15, 12:32

I don't think they are negative responses but maybe what you don't want to hear, if you are entirely honest with yourself.

I know how much you enjoy and rely on the input from NMP members and we all have a different way of posting.

One or two people can be quite blunt but that doesn't mean that they are being negative, it's just the way they see your situation, and you shouldn't be offended.

I myself wear my heart on my sleeve and have often advised you and also on occasions told you things which perhaps you didn't want to hear, but then again we all are sufferers, some more than others, so reconsider, as what have you got to gain by not posting.

Well said Ricardo. It's like my parents said... "It's for your own good". It's because we care.

Positive thoughts

27-08-15, 14:18
Everybody takes a risk posting on here as the responses may not always be what the poster wants to hear. That's not always a bad thing though as people are only offering their opinion and most times are genuinely wanting to help change things for the better.

I don't think you should see this as "negative", Greg. People are just trying to help you move forwards.

How is the CBT going? Is this helping at all?

27-08-15, 14:37
great avatar btw greg :)

27-08-15, 15:08
Thanks for the support guys,cheers andy..im coming back because NMP is a great help to me and refuse to be put off by comments that i find non suportive..my message to anyone who dsnt want to post good support, is to stay away from my threads.and go and do one

27-08-15, 16:14
:) like your style greg :)

27-08-15, 16:17
Don't let the few override the many. Keep your head up and keep moving forwards, Greg.

Hope you're having a good day so far.

27-08-15, 16:55

I have read through your last few threads and haven't seen anyone be rude to you or non supportive or have I missed something.

Some people are more direct than others as I mentioned before but I think you are reading things the wrong way. You have many friends on here so I am surprised at your comment "go and do one":ohmy:

27-08-15, 17:33
Well lets just say i dont like being talked to like a child,and i shouldnt keep coming on NMP and posting,its not the first time iv been ofended.im not the only one that felt certain coments on my post was harsh and non suportive....i have some great support and friends in hear,but there is always going to be someone that upsets the apple cart..all im saying is that if people dont like my posts and think i spend to much time on hear then they should stay off my threads and leave me alone.this is not aimed at you ricardo..

27-08-15, 18:47
I think you get a lot of support on here, Greg, in fact a lot more than most people. I'm sorry if you think that you are not being supported in a positive way though as everyone seems to encourage you in whatever move you make towards your recovery.

27-08-15, 19:27
Hey pulsa.i agree i get a lot of support and am very greatful to you all.its just one person who on a couple of my threads has been talking to me like im a kid and thinks inpost to much and spend to much of my time on hear posting..i thought that was the whole idea of this forum ,to post when you need to and talk to others,which is all i have been doing

27-08-15, 21:02
Greg, I know for a fact that he's only got your best interests at heart and has spent a long time over the years trying to help you to change things to benefit your wellbeing. If he didn't care he wouldn't bother and he wouldn't get frustrated

27-08-15, 22:55
Regardless of anything else, Greg, I've always thought you struggle with the social side so assertiveness is bound to be a problem too and I would like to commend you for telling people how you feel. That takes courage and should be acknowledged.


28-08-15, 01:47
good information

28-08-15, 04:01
Chin up fella!
Post what you like for me. If I don't wanna read something then I won't. Simples. Hows tricks anyway, is your daughter back yet? X

28-08-15, 09:07
Thanks guys for your suport..no my daughter is not back from her holidays yet.she comes back this sunday and im due to have her again in two weeks time.

28-08-15, 11:48
Hi Greg
I have used this forum in the past and found it to be a great help
I fully agree with what Terry says in that you do come across as a guy who is both courteous open and honest please don't give up on the site

Incidentally I find Terry's comments always articulate,well presented never judgmental but always supportive

The site needs people like the Greg and Terry's of this world it has certainly helped me even if you are not aware of it

All the best mate you keep posting

Thanks MM, I really appreciate that message. Take care. :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 ----------

Thanks guys for your suport..no my daughter is not back from her holidays yet.she comes back this sunday and im due to have her again in two weeks time.

Are you concentrating on some plans to have a great time when she's back with you, Greg? Will you be getting the cake recipes out?

Is it getting easier for you to sleep when you have to changes things around to accomodate for her? I know sleep is a biggie for you from when you've had trouble reducing the meds but after you posted last time you seemed to adjust well and continue having a great time with her.

28-08-15, 12:12
Hi terry..yes plans in place mate for when she comes round..she sleeps on the sofa and i keep my bed.her choice...yep we bake cakes and have great fun when she is hear...all her focus is on me when she comes to me so all good there mate.iv got her in two weeks time again and i make sure we do something everytime she visits..ice skating or the cinema etc just for one day ,then we chill out in front of the tv and play games etc.she has a lovely time and allways crys when she leaves me,so i know she misses me,bless her....

28-08-15, 12:34
It's sad she gets upset but also it must feel good as you know its because she loves you. It certainly shows and some months back when you missing the contact you know you can bury that as only this matters.

I'm really pleased for you mate. I think this time with your daughter is going to do so much for you. We can tell you are getting stronger and like MrAndy says on your other thread, you should be proud of yourself.

If that bake off programme does a father & daughter competition we will be looking out for you :yesyes:

28-08-15, 12:39
Lol..thanks terry..bake off im not sure about that..but yes its sad when she crys when she goes,but as you say,it makes me realize she loves and misses me,plus nowadays she calls and texts me more than she ever did,so something has changed within her..

blue moon
29-08-15, 04:24
Hi Greg:D
I baked lemonade scones this morning,I googled the recipe turned out yum,we had them with cream and srawberries,maybe you can make them,so simple
Love Petra x

29-08-15, 04:33
Thats great to here, Greg. You know what, you sounds more positive too. More relaxed.

Why am I suddenly hungry? Petra!!! :D

blue moon
29-08-15, 10:25
Sorry Terry,but I do not want to Rant and Rave :winks:ābout scones none left:D

I agree with you,Greg you do sound more positive and happy:yesyes:

29-08-15, 11:08
Sounds nice petra..ill have to look into that.i do have a cake recipy book and has loads of lovely things to make,but sometimes the ingrediants can all add up to much for me so i try to keep the cost down,so forced to make the cheeper stuff

30-08-15, 04:10
Don't worry, Petra, it doesn't affect me, another thing Mindfulness did for me :winks:

Greg, I know what you mean about cost. I bought a juicer last year and I'm limited to very basic stuff. The recipes mean buying all sorts of expensive things like vanilla pods, rose water, etc and I can't afford all that stuff. It's nice to be healthy but it's often not cheap!

30-08-15, 04:44
Re: not posting because of negetive responces
Greg, I know for a fact that he's only got your best interests at heart and has spent a long time over the years trying to help you to change things to benefit your wellbeing. If he didn't care he wouldn't bother and he wouldn't get frustrated.

Too right, Pulisa. I agree completely. Now, since you are feeling better, Greg, can we please put this thread to bed? Since you have obviously decided to continue to post, it no longer applies. Nuff said? :winks:

blue moon
30-08-15, 09:34
Hi Greg:D

You only need flour,can lemoņade and cream,įheap to make.Let us All know if you made them.

Petra :hugs:

30-08-15, 16:33
Thanks for that petra.will look into cheeper bakes...ill do some internet searching..

30-08-15, 18:55
Oh did someone mention cakes? I love cake :D
Greg I am pleased you had a lovely time with your daughter and hope that you both enjoyed your birthday?

30-08-15, 21:06
Yes i had a lovely time annie thanks...more cake baking soon

02-09-15, 08:49
I have never seen negative responses to you Greg. In fact you have so many replies to your posts all the time that I often wonder what you have that others don't!

I mean look at all the responses to this post!

02-09-15, 09:26
He's got cake...and I want some :emot-drool:

02-09-15, 11:05

as SADnomore said there is no need to continue with this thread.

You have many many people on here who always try and help you, but you have a knack of avoiding some posters when they tell you the truth,but you just don't want to hear it.

02-09-15, 11:33
He didn't. See post 38.

We will have to disagree on your last point.

02-09-15, 12:25
Havnt been going on anymore about it all.just talked about cakes

02-09-15, 12:29
cakes , I like cakes :D

02-09-15, 12:46
Dido...me to mate...all day long.lol

02-09-15, 13:19
Love your picture greg x

02-09-15, 14:07
You know what...I am going to have to make a cake now :) I think an Orange cake will be nice.

02-09-15, 15:39
Thanks magic..im in the mood for cakes now.best get cooking...
I dont think terry is like a jack in a box,hes a good man and friend who can see and suports my threads.

02-09-15, 21:36
Cake!!! Mmmm my wedding cake is lovely. It was a shame to cut into it though :(

02-09-15, 22:09
I love wedding cake..my fav cake is choc ..yum yum..fairy cakes to

02-09-15, 22:37
Thanks Greg,

Not sure what's been said but it's an ongoing problem for me on here now which I can't see ending. It's what happens in forums when you challenge people over their opinions.

Don't let it put you off, you've got loads of support on here.

02-09-15, 22:49
No prob terry.as far as im concerned you and others have been really suportive for a long time towards me and i really apreciate that mate.your a good friend

blue moon
03-09-15, 00:27
Hi Greg:D

I like chocolate mud cake,with ganache about 1 inch thick,tried to make one but it flopped.:D

Love Petra x:hugs:

03-09-15, 08:40
Cheers Greg, I consider you the same for me. Keep chipping away at things and it will get easily.

I've always been partial to lemon cake, Petra

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 ----------

Love your picture greg x

Hi Magic,

Great to see you back. I hope you are well :hugs:

03-09-15, 09:32
I think there is a misunderstanding here, Greg. I am very pleased for those interested in making,baking or eating cakes, but then it should be on a completely different thread as it is becoming rather confusing. You were asked to close this thread before I wrote to you and then decided to delete the post as I didn't want to upset you but for the life of me I can't get the connection between the thread title and cakes.

blue moon
03-09-15, 09:47
For f..sake he is trying and being positive,just let it go,posts often get turned around as you know Ricardo.:D

03-09-15, 10:10
Apparently, I got a mention too. :D

Others seem ok with the chat. Admin don't seem to have a problem with it, they've been in it.

03-09-15, 10:19
Maybe I should look at the rules. Have I not seen on many occasions,admin say words to the effect"we have moved your post to a more suitable section" but then again that was a new thread, and quite honestly it isn't doing anyone any harm,so not for the first time, I stand corrected . Maybe i have too much on my mind and should take a back seat for a while.

03-09-15, 10:31
every days a doughnut day

blue moon
03-09-15, 10:46
Mmmm ....I love doughnuts the ones filled with custard,yum. :D

03-09-15, 11:45
Ricardo lots of threads have started out as a negative and with people generally chatting it has become more positive and I see no harm in turning it into a chit chat thread. If you look at other threads you will see it has happened many times so why pick on Gregs? I remember Pancho starting a thread about her anxieties and it became a chatting thread where the people on there struck up a very good relationship and became a huge support to each other. I can only see this thread as doing the same. If you are not happy with that why do you keep coming back to it? Just don't look at it if it is bothering you.

On another note...I have made a meat pie and orange cake. I woke up feeling depressed and anxious this morning but getting up and baking has really done me some good. :)

03-09-15, 12:02
I have to agree hear ..ricardo whats the prob? You obiously dont have a sence of humor..it started off negative and turned out positive with others joining in...what the hell is the prob with you and this thread.how is it doing you any harm ? Stop reading it if its upsetting you.

03-09-15, 12:08
Meat pie and orange cake, Annie? All in one? :winks:

Sounds nice though, I bet that orange cake is lovely :yesyes:

03-09-15, 12:13
Lemon cake and orange cakes are my favourite :)

03-09-15, 12:16
my mom used to make the best homemade lemon meringue pie ,she was great at making puddings and cakes :D

03-09-15, 12:25
When I was having NLP my counsellor noticed that my eyes always lit up when I talked about my Grandma. My Grandma was always baking and made lovely bread, cakes, pies...I can still smell and taste them. When I bake I think of my Grandma and I even find myself singing the same songs she used to sing even though they go way back to the 30's long long before I was born :) happy memories are good therapy :)

blue moon
03-09-15, 13:09
I am now thinking of my Mother and her cooking,she was always singing she made lovely flat bread to Annie x you are right happy memories are good therapy.:hugs:

03-09-15, 13:15
My dad was allways a brilliant cook,he allways used to cook lovely cakes at the weekend..happy days

03-09-15, 18:29
It's good when a thread develops in to a conversation :)

Seems like everyone has good memories of cooking from their youth. My mum didn't really cook, kind of developed my own interest when quite mature. Not successful at baking though, don't seem to have the knack.

Lovely photo Greg :)

03-09-15, 20:17
Yea i agree with it turning into a chat..im good at baking.when i was with my wife and kids,i used to bake every sunday with my daughter.sponge cakes and scons with cream..i loved it..not bad for a bloke.my family loved the weekends cos they looked forward to my cakes

03-09-15, 20:32
Greg, do you think practice would help or is it a knack? Sounds like it came to you quite naturarly

My cakes never rise. I lack confidence with it though and that may make things worse.

My younger daughter, grown up now, loves home baked and when she comes to visit I always plan to make nice things but it never works out.

03-09-15, 20:44

I'm hungry :roflmao:

03-09-15, 21:15
You can have a piece of my orange cake Pepperpot :)

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

Lilac, you have to make sure you beat the eggs in really well then fold the flour in very gently :)

03-09-15, 23:08
Oh yes the famous pancho-pops thread :-) legendary

Isn't it best to turn a negative into a positive? It is possible.

Lemon cake all the way for me.

I will make an exception tho as u hv baked orange. I will be round shortly (that's if the gannets haven't eaten it all already......)

Ricardo lots of threads have started out as a negative and with people generally chatting it has become more positive and I see no harm in turning it into a chit chat thread. If you look at other threads you will see it has happened many times so why pick on Gregs? I remember Pancho starting a thread about her anxieties and it became a chatting thread where the people on there struck up a very good relationship and became a huge support to each other. I can only see this thread as doing the same. If you are not happy with that why do you keep coming back to it? Just don't look at it if it is bothering you.

On another note...I have made a meat pie and orange cake. I woke up feeling depressed and anxious this morning but getting up and baking has really done me some good. :)

03-09-15, 23:24
Plenty of orange cake left for you Tessar :)

03-09-15, 23:31
If I had known you were talking about 'CAKE', I would have joined in ages ago. :D

Besides, food always brings people together and that is surely a good thing. :yesyes:

Can we include Pie & Puds? Love Banoffee Pie and Sticky Toffee Pudding and Custard.
And I am always a sucker for a freshly made Scone with jam and clotted cream. :)

Hi Greg, pleased to see you doing ok. You have a lot of support on here, so never feel alone. :)

03-09-15, 23:36
Thanks carnation..by the way.i love pies and cakes

blue moon
04-09-15, 02:38
I Tessar:D. I miss pancho's posts. I just finished making pickled lemons.

04-09-15, 02:51

I'm hungry :roflmao:

And I'm fasting for a test tomorrow.

mmm cakes, pies, pickles.........(Maddie dreams on...)

04-09-15, 04:29

Is that like a pastie popcsicle?

Carnation - yeah, pour the custard on everything :yesyes:

I had to eat 2 chocolate eclairs last night as they were going out of date. Life can be hard sometimes :D

04-09-15, 07:23
Obviously I am wrong in my thinking and have had several private requests to tell me so, so sorry Greg, it wasn't aimed as a slight on you. Just read my current position.Maybe I just can't converse properly at the moment.Some of this below I have mentioned before but nevertheless I want to be part of this community.I do actually have a wicked sense of humour but I suppose some will say this post is on the wrong thread as well lol.
However everything has just got on top of me and besides some saying I am strong things go from bad to worse on a weekly basis.

I have suffered GAD for decades but the one year (2005) I was off all meds. I have to be taken everywhere and our por daughter has finally been diagnosed with Sjogens which effects the auto immune system and though there is no cure,steroids are the answer,which she isn't keen on taking.
I had an awful experience with a dentist last autumn when he ripped several of my teeth out and the bone went through the gum and then after the healing process and demanding my money back and compensation I had a heart attack at my doctor's surgery. Luckily 2 stents later I technically have a stronger heart but now I have depression as well as increased anxiety.Ididn't go to court with the dentist as my heart was more important but as I am on blood thinners for a year,I still have 5 months to go before reconstruction can begin,so soft foods and a limited menu basically for a year.
Both our rescue Boxers had to be put down in the last year so all in all I have real health problems which though under control still depress me, and everything else I have mentioned,and quite frankly I am finding it hard to cope, so kindly make allowances for me.

04-09-15, 08:24
All forgoten about Ricardo..sorry to hear you have had such a bad time..sounds realy stressful for you...hope you feel well soon..stick around mate,thanks for responding in this way..Greg

04-09-15, 22:54
Plenty of orange cake left for you Tessar :)

Wow.... I am amazed .

Hello everyone, thank goodness it is Friday.

04-09-15, 23:17
Just thought I would tease you all with a picture of when I had a Teashop full of cakes and Cream Teas.


Lots of washing up at the end of the day. :wacko:

05-09-15, 09:32
Carnation that is just cruel :(
My belly is rumbling now!

Ricardo wow what a story. You have had some bad times there fella. Chin up x

05-09-15, 13:02
Looks lovely

05-09-15, 16:49
Terry panchopops is a member on NMP but Tessar changed the name slightly :roflmao:

Carnation that looks delicious I have an intolerance to cream but for some reason I am able to eat clotted cream without any problems.

06-09-15, 07:15
Ah, I thought she meant Pancho with the pasties :doh:, thank Annie.

Carnation, looks nice. Was the pub around the other side? :D

06-09-15, 19:33
Terry, there was a pub on the left, the right and opposite. :):):)
And a real Fish and Chip shop; Cod caught on the day. :D

07-09-15, 05:02
So, you could go out and get trashed on a three pub crawl, grab fish & chips, then sober up in your teashop and start all over again. :yesyes: