View Full Version : Hopefully one of my last concerns - Fear of Doctors

26-08-15, 23:14

I want to thank everyone for the help thus far. With the help of people on this forum I have been able to identify and resolve some of my cognitive distortions. Its amazing how the brain works when the evidence is right in front of you, but I still would like a little encouragement on one more topic.

So... I have made a thread mentioning this before, but now I want to discuss it.

I have a doctors appointment on October 19th. The entire purpose of the appointment is an intake exam to switch my PCP. This doctor has always listened to my concerns and is blunt and honest with me.

Obviously I am overly scared of this appointment for the obvious reasons that I will list below.

1. Fear of a bad diagnosis.
2. Fear of a bunch of unneeded tests.
3. Fear of recommendations for a major lifestyle change.

I am 25 years old. My only health problem is anxiety. My BMI is normal.

This fear all stems from me being sick earlier this year and being forced to go to the hospital and being diagnosed with dehydration due to an infection.

Now... I have seen this particular doctor twice this year. I have seen another doctor once. I have been to the hospital twice.

Not once have I been diagnosed with a chronic disease or even had concern expressed. But I'm scared that the doctors might be treating my anxiety as a number one health concern and hiding other concerns.

Could anyone share some stories to make me feel a little more confident.

27-08-15, 07:05
Can't offer you any words of wisdom I'm afraid, I'm scared of going the doctors and of medical tests too x

27-08-15, 07:56
Not once have I been diagnosed with a chronic disease or even had concern expressed. But I'm scared that the doctors might be treating my anxiety as a number one health concern and hiding other concerns.

I understand the fear associated with this. I went to a new doctor once for incredibly bad back pain. It was waking me up at night. Marking "depression" on my new patient paper was like a life sentence. I was prescribed anti-depressants. No tests. No follow-up. It turns out I had sciatica from a bicycle accident. I decided not to check any "Mental Health" boxes in the future.
(I did get to know this doctor better over continuing appointments, and she became better able to treat me when we had an established relationship.)

It mostly comes down to having a good doctor. If you are really concerned about a symptom and you don't think your doctor is taking you seriously, ask a lot of questions. You are paying for the appointment, so you might as well get as much out of it as possible. Ask for tests, if you want them. I can understand not wanting tests you might not need (I've avoided doctors because of this), but if nothing else, it will put your mind at ease.

The possibility of a bad diagnosis might be scary, but if you have a serious illness, it is definitely better to know sooner rather than later. In most cases, you'll be alright. Even extreme symptoms don't necessarily signify danger. I had incredibly awful stomachaches for years as a kid. It was an ulcer. I treated it and it went away. :) Searching the internet for your symptoms is generally not recommended, but sometimes I'll search things such as, "stomach ache" and "ulcer" together instead of just "stomach ache." That way, you can read about stomach pain associated with ulcers and maybe give yourself some reassurance, instead of just reading "CANCER" as the first result.

Hearing you need a lifestyle change can be depressing. I've had family members make major dietary changes as a result of high cholesterol, but overall they are happier and feel healthier. You do adjust to these things, but it's also important to take it seriously.

Best of luck with your appointment!!

natalie yog
27-08-15, 08:59
I had a terrible fear if dr's for years (still do really) and after 11 years of of not seeing one I finally did this year. What you have to remember is your dr us there to help you.

27-08-15, 13:06
That's the thing though... I don't even really have any symptoms or any complaints other than some sinus congestion.

So I really don't understand why I would be worried about a bad diagnosis. Especially since I have seen this exact doctor this year. Twice.

27-08-15, 17:52
Anxiety is rarely logical. Sometimes fear develops where there was no fear before. Sometimes just keeping this in mind will help me through a day

27-08-15, 18:04
I can definitely relate.. I am so afraid of Drs and medical testing that I sit around 24-7 worrying about the fact that eventually, I will HAVE to go for one reason or another.. It really is sad. My phobia is directly related to someone I know going in for a regular work physical, being diagnosed with something horrible and passing on 7 months later.
I'm a smart gal and know it's silly but my brain won't let go of the connection.
Just wanted to chime in to let you know that you are not alone.

27-08-15, 18:13
That's the thing though... I don't even really have any symptoms or any complaints other than some sinus congestion.

So I really don't understand why I would be worried about a bad diagnosis. Especially since I have seen this exact doctor this year. Twice.

You also said you put a lot of faith in him.

Positive thoughts