View Full Version : Brain tumor - i am going crazy

Constant worry
26-08-15, 23:28
Hello, i am new here and i really just need to talk to someone because i feel like i am going to loose my mind. Oh and please excuse my english:unsure:

So i am 18 and since i was 12 i have "had" melanoma, ovarian, colon, breast cancer..., als and many more. But recently my concern has become brain tumor. I am sooooooo worried and scared, i can't sleep, do anything or talk to people, all i wanna do is just sit and think and WORRY. I made an appointment with doctor, but it is next week and i just can not wait anymore:scared15:.i am also very scared because she must think i am nuts as i am always there with some imagined symptoms.

So acording to my mind i have all the symptoms. The first was when i noticed slight tremor in my hands and of course i googled and baaaaam, brain tumor!!!!! My left hand shakes violently especially in certain positions (lying in bed and holding phone). Also, it seems like my peripheral vision shakes a bit in both eyes!!! It is very slight, in fact i sometimes can't notice it even if i try. I also get headaches which get worse when i lie down, but they usually occour when i am dehydrated. However the scariest thing of all is that somethimes while i am falling asleep my left hand starts to shake or it feels like it's shaking (idk because i am usually half asleep). Either way it can be a partial seizure and that terrifies me.

I don't expect anyone to diagnose me or say that i am 100%fine, I guess i just need someone to "talk" to who has been through something like that, actually just writting it down helps. I know this post is all over the place, so if you have actually took time to read it i am incredibly thankful.

26-08-15, 23:35
I've had the headaches. Dehydration.

I've had the weird shaking in bed. I was extremely sleepy and it was imagined.

The peripheral vision sounds like you might be over thinking it.

The hand shaking in bed though... holding a phone... I can 100% say that has happened to me a billion times. I can give you instances of it happening to other parts of my body too. Ever do that dreaded exercise in gym class where you lay on your back and raise your feet off the floor and hold it? We called it 15 degrees. My feet trembled and shook horribly.

I bet that's just overuse.

Constant worry
27-08-15, 00:39
Omg, thank you so much for replying it actually made me feel better, at least for now so i can go to sleep. I do think sometimes that i am imagining some of the symptoms, but they are so real that i can't really beleive it. I also keep telling myself how many times i was convinced that i have cancer and it turned out to be nothing. But it seems like there is a battle between my reasonable mind and my anxious mind and the later is winning.

27-08-15, 00:47
I'm no doctor... but I've had the same concerns and I was able to play them off as nothing. And I have health anxiety.

They are just things that have been happening my whole life. I used to get a ton of headaches. I went to the hospital once for dehydration and committed to drinking about 80 oz of water a day. My head aches are few and far between after I committed to drinking alot of water. And I just feel better in general.

The hand shaking thing I can really relate to. I play on my phone so much. My arm gets so tired. My advice... switch hands.