View Full Version : Songs constantly playing in my head

27-08-15, 13:36
What the hell is this? It's been going on for about 6 weeks. I'm like my own radio. It's very frustrating. I just want a clear head.. It's just parts of songs. Songs I don't even like aswel. It's sooooo annoying and frightening me. X

27-08-15, 14:36
I get this a lot, especially when I am stressed. Sometimes its songs I like, sometimes not. I think its my brain's way or trying to distract me but instead it can make me more anxious.

27-08-15, 14:45
It's so annoying isn't it? I'm scared I'm going mad x

27-08-15, 16:22
I get this when I can't sleep, it drives you crazy!!!

27-08-15, 23:04
I get this too and I whistle or hum as well. Initially I was more anxious and it worried me further because like Crystal, it would keep me awake. I do it now but I'm not very anxious like back then, in fact I only seem to do it when I am feeling more positive.

It must be a simulation thing. Like the excitory neurotransmitters are firing a lot and you need to get some balance from the inhibitory ones.

Have you tried Mindfulness? In meditation form you spend time observing thoughts without interacting and this helps calm the mind in time.

28-08-15, 10:43
My sister has this constantly.She has been told it called "Musical Ear Syndrome", a form of Tinitus.

28-08-15, 15:35
Musical ear syndrome is when you actually hear the music playing. Mines in my head constantly singing songs in my head it's very frustrating. I won't even be thinking of it and all of a sudden it's there again grrrr. Am I going nuts?? I'm so frightened x

28-08-15, 16:17
What the hell is this?

Being a musician, I almost always have music running through my mind, especially when I'm drifing off to sleep. The slang term for it is "Earworm". The best way to get rid of it is to start singing another song. Be prepared to be a human jukebox though! ~lol~

The worst is when it's a song you hate!

Positive thoughts

28-08-15, 16:39
That's why musicians sing songs with 'hook lines' in them. It can repeat, repeat and repeat and so on, in ones mind. I have had this happen to me. I feel that it is when I get stressed my system gets like this and once I hear a song, boom and then its repeat repeat repeat.

I do not think you are 'going mad' its just a symptom of symptoms you are quite possibly going through, stress, worry etc. You need to distract your mind, go out with friends, have a laugh, let go of the worry. I know it is easier said than done from someone who is going through a bad time currently.

It will go.

30-08-15, 13:12
Thanks for the replys xx