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27-08-15, 14:22
This article (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201506/9-ways-calm-your-anxious-mind?utm_source=FacebookPost&utm_medium=FBPost&utm_campaign=FBPost) was shared by my daughter on FB. She suffers from anxiety and depression and has been doing great with therapy and meds. She's very pro-active with her recovery and sharing this shows that.

Some good stuff anxiety or not.

Positive thoughts

27-08-15, 16:18
Really good article, thank you!

27-08-15, 21:29
Good practical advice. Glad to hear that your daughter is making substantial progress towards recovery.

27-08-15, 23:58
great tips, thanks!

28-08-15, 01:52
nice information for me

28-08-15, 05:43
Great post there, FMP.

I think Mindfulness is great "fusion" therapy too. Some people like therapies such as CBT but find the psychology a bit taxing but Mindfulness is just ancient wisdom and was aimed at the common man so like pulisa says, it's viewed as practical.

I haven't read Claire Weekes but when people talk about her work on here I think "that's veyr similiar to an element of Mindfulness". This might be because she looked at it or it might be because a lot of it is common wisdom. I'm not religious, more agnostic, but for those people who are how much of advice like that is seen is mainstream religions? Probably a lot as aren't a lot of religions based on earlier forms in some way?

I'm glad your daughter is doing well.

Can I link this thread (and the one of the HA board) in my Mindfulness thread? It would be good for people to have an article but also see some viewpoints from people on here and how your daughter is finding it useful enough to share with others.

02-09-15, 18:41
Bump... worth reading as well as the related articles.

Positive thoughts