View Full Version : Interesting Article

27-08-15, 16:10
Posted this in the General Anxiety Forum... worth reading...

This article (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201506/9-ways-calm-your-anxious-mind?utm_source=FacebookPost&utm_medium=FBPost&utm_campaign=FBPost) was shared by my daughter on FB. She suffers from anxiety and depression and has been doing great with therapy and meds. She's very pro-active with her recovery and sharing this shows that.

Some good stuff anxiety or not.

Positive thoughts

27-08-15, 16:18
good article as being pro active with your recovery i agree with entirely.To recover you need a plan and and need to put in the hard work to get better.
Just like any other illness

27-08-15, 16:59
thanks fishmanpa! some great stuff here...i like the one especially about deciding whether a thought is helpful..

27-08-15, 17:14
Thanks Fishmanpa. I checked out the author and if you don't mind found this as well which again is interesting


27-08-15, 17:24
Another good one! I truly believe being pro-active in your recovery is key in healing whether it's a physical or mental illness. I worked my tush off after cancer to return to some kind of normalcy or the "new normal" as I call it. I did so both physically and mentally. It's been over two years and I still work on it every day.

Again, for some it's a conscious decision and inner fortitude to do so. Doing the same things and expecting a different result is just not realistic. If you're not getting better, then obviously what you're doing isn't working. If you're making progress then continue to do the things that are moving you forward.

Positive thoughts