View Full Version : Aches and pains

27-08-15, 16:24
Hi am really worried about my health ever since I had my misscarraige a month ago my panic and anxiety attacks are gradually getting worse that I get funny sensations in my chest like pressure but hard to explain am fed up going to the dr he keeps passing my off with anti depressants which am scared to take cause of side effects but it's effecting my day to day life just feel relaxed feeling and that I feel as if am not breathing and I feel cold all the time any advice would be great thanks

27-08-15, 17:04
Take the antidepressant. They will help I promise. I used to have the fear of side affects with my tablets but I promise it will pass. Force yourself to take them. What have you been prescribed? Xx

27-08-15, 17:35
The gp prescribed me sertraline 50mg but I've heard that the side effects are horrible I did ask on here for some advice on them but nobody replied back about them

27-08-15, 17:47
Iv just started sertraline 50mg 3 days ago. I take them before bed. Let's take them together then? Iv had no side affects as of yet. Xx

27-08-15, 18:59
Yeh help each other i have anxiety every time I go to take a tablet so the dortor surgery said yesterday I could mash it that way it would be easier to take I've to take mine in the morning

28-08-15, 09:27
Yes we can do it together? X

28-08-15, 10:46
Yeh that sounds like a plan but am still scared and it would take up to two weeks before I feel any better but I need to do something as I have a son to look after

28-08-15, 15:32
My symptoms so far. Feeling abit more anxious than usual. They say on meds you feel worse before you feel better so I'm hoping that's a positive sign. Xx

28-08-15, 20:20
More anxious god I'll wait until the school r off then take them so if I feel unwell I can just stay in bed