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27-08-15, 20:18
I feel like such a fool. I hope someone can help. I got the diagnosis of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction back in 2011 from my urologist when I was experiencing some urinary retention. I've been on 2 prescriptions for it since then, I also have had multiple sessions of physical therapy for it.
Was doing well but for the last year I focus so much on a number of things like how many times I pee and amount. I've had two cystoscopies and three ultrasounds for the bladder and kidneys, most recently not even six months ago, all COMPLETELY NORMAL. Yet here I am... panic attacks, crying spells and near constant anxiety. I'm like, what if I can't urinate at all? This fear sometimes spreads too, like I'll be eating and think, what if I can't swallow and choke on this food? God help me. Can anybody relate? It seems I've stopped trusting my body to function as it is supposed to, bladder to pee, throat to swallow, at times I even wonder can my lungs get air, especially in moments where thoughts of not being able to swallow food is what is tormenting my mind. Please tell me you understand me because I certainly don't understand who I have become!!

27-08-15, 21:51
I understand. Please dont upset yourself. It's just this awful HA making you feel this way.

Having a chronic health problem is bound to make you feel worried from time to time. I've had a bladder infection for last 3 weeks and I'm starting to think I'll never be same again - so lord knows how you must feel.

Give yourself a big pat on the back for coping so well up to now. And here's a :hugs: from me to add to that

If you haven't already, I'd talk to your doctor about the anxiety and panic attacks. Keep your chin up xx