View Full Version : I'm a newbie

08-02-07, 01:54
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm nw to this board, but not to health anxiety in general. I've been dealing with that my whole life. It varies in intensity and I go through times where it's worse than others. Right now I'm in the middle of a rough time where it's pretty bad. Hopefully I can find some comfort in reading this forum. Nice to "meet" you all.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

08-02-07, 02:44


Granny Primark
08-02-07, 06:45
Welcome sue,
This site has been my saviour. Ive made some great friends and been able to start getting my life back on track.
Im sure it will help you.

Take care

08-02-07, 10:18
Hi Sue

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D

Take a look at the first step pages also Sue, you may find them of interest.
First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

08-02-07, 11:18
sorry to hear your not having great time at mo but your among friends here. i hope it helps u to no your not alone. i hav found it great help to no that there is others who like myself panic etc as i was feeling very alone with my anixety. i just seemed to c other people coping wereas im not and that made me feel even worse. please feel free to contact me anytime if u think i can help.take care.x


08-02-07, 13:17
Hi Sue and welcome.You will get lots of support here pet,sorry to hear your so down.we are all very friendly.;)

Ellen XX

08-02-07, 13:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

08-02-07, 16:21

A warm welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad ta have ya on board x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

09-02-07, 00:58
:D Thank you everyone for the very warm welcome! I appreciate all your responses. I know I will get a lot of help and support from this forum. Hope to get to know all of you!

Thanks again!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

09-02-07, 10:05
hello! im new here.
i am 18 and am suffering from depression. i am hoping that i may find this site helpful as i am all alone at the moment, i feel that i can not tell my mum i am on anti depressants and really have no one else to talk to about it.
thankz guys,

r j bignell

Ma Larkin
09-02-07, 12:51
Hi Sue, welcome to NMP. I too go through periods in my life when things go from bad to worse then level out again.

Hope you enjoy the site and get lots of reassurance from the topics and advice given.

Les, x

09-02-07, 16:43
just wanted to say hello and welcome.please feel free to hav chat any time.i suffer anixety and panics,real fear im having heart attack.hope just knowing your not alone helps.


10-02-07, 12:09
Hi Sue,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

10-02-07, 14:23
Hi Sue

A warm welcome aboard.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel