View Full Version : Low self esteem and confidence

27-08-15, 20:37
Hi everyone,
Can anybody help with any tips/techniques to build up self esteem. I work in a bitchy environment. I am always worrying what people say about me or what people think of me. I know I shouldn't give a sh*t, but it makes me feel very anxious. I also feel like people are talking about me when they are whispering together.

29-08-15, 12:04
Not really sure what advice I can give here but I can definitely relate to the low self-esteem and lack of confidence thing. I too worry about what people are thinking and saying about me. I feel that I come across as an idiot much of the time and this plays on my mind a lot.

I could say try not to care so much about what people think of you but I know that's easier said than done. It wouldn't be particularly helpful either. If you're working in a bitchy environment perhaps it's time you sought work elsewhere? Nobody should have to be subjected to that kind of atmosphere in the workplace.

29-08-15, 18:01
Thanks for your reply......no matter where you go, there's always one idiot......
I know I shouldn't give a toss, but I feel better being around positive people...... Maybe some things are in my head, I do over analyse certain conversations too. So frustrating

29-08-15, 20:13
I hate bitchy environments. I went self employed to get out of that kind of place. I couldn't stand having to be something for other people, having to need them for things to go smoothly. Thank god for the good people out there. They are about.

All that really matters is how YOU feel about you. Do you KNOW that you are a quality person ? Do you respect yourself ? If you do, that's feeling secure and it really doesn't matter how the negative people out there try to make you feel because it just doesn't effect you. Conversely if you are feeling insecure what they say bothers you a lot.

Who are you ?
What are your qualities ?
Why are you a good person ?
Who has liked you in the past ?
Who likes you now ?
Why do they like you ?
What do they see ?
Are you a good friend ?
Are you loyal, trustworthy ?
Do you like to laugh ?
Can you be funny when in the mood ?
Do you stand up for your friends ?
Do you care when they're having a hard time and try and pick them up ?
Become aware of what's good and likeable about you.
Then feel secure in who you are.

Being around negative people can just make you focus on what you're not and your self esteem suffers. Focus more on what you are.

29-08-15, 20:56
Thanks for reply.....
That's great...... I am a good person, I do make mistakes, I do have my faults, but I am me, and refuse to be like the sheep of a clicky work place.... I am an individual with my own beliefs. I just need to have confidence in myself and to actually learn to accept and like myself........and yes I've had a few beers lol :)