View Full Version : Very anxious regarding heart issues

27-08-15, 21:23
Hey guys,

I am new on these forums, but not new to GAD. I have been a sufferer for the last 4 years. Recently I have come off lexapro (1 month ago) and have tried to manage withdrawal and anxiety, something that I have largely succeeded quite well. However, recently, I have been getting very anxious about my heart, and ever since then, my heart rate and blood pressure have increased from 65bpm and 135/80 to like 75-80bpm and 150/80. Apart from this, today I noticed that my heart beat speeds up when I breathe in, and slows down when I breathe out much more than before. Is this normal for lexapro withdrawal? While on lexapro my heart very rarely exceeded 70 bpm.

I have posted one of my ECG result summary as well as some concerns regarding it in the Medical Tests and Procedures part of the forums if you want to have a look at that also. Sorry I can't post a link to it, but forums don't allow me! Thanks for all the support!