View Full Version : Having A Bad Day!

08-02-07, 03:30
I Am Having a Bad Day I HAve Been Having Panic attachs for about 3 days i am on xanax and it seem to help for a little while i bought some rescue remedy and that helps a little but i jsut cant get rid of the palps i wish i knew what it was that was causeing themi am so worried that i am going to Have a heart attach i dont know what to do i am at my wits end can any one give4 me any advice on how to get rid of palps that is wqhat is scaring me been having them all day for about 3 days off and on. Please some advice anyone i have a doctors appt tomorrow hopefully it is all good.


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

08-02-07, 06:35
I wish I knew what to tell you about dealing with this situation but unfortionatly I don't....But what I can tell you is I'm in the EXACT same boat as you, I'm constantly freaking out about haveing a heart attack and I have been for over two weeks now. I finally went to the hospital today and I'm seeing the doctor tomarro.

I'm haveing a mild panic attack right now and I find myself wandering if I'm going to make it there alive[V]

I wish the best for you and I think we should stick together....Read my thread(ROCK BOTTOM) and maybe we can help each other out!


eddie d
10-02-07, 11:43
we all suffer similar things that you are suffering right now.what saves me is to get busy which is not easy but does help .

10-02-07, 14:51
How did it go at the doctor's? Are you feeling better now?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

10-02-07, 21:32
I went to the doctors and he did nothing but perscribe me lexapro and i had a allergic reaction that i had to go the hospital and they rean a bunch of test and like always they were fine no prob withthe tiker just anxiety pb was a little hi but came down when i started to releax a bit so they gave me a shiot of benedril to help the effects of the reaction and sent me on my way and sugested that i try to see a psychologist for better and the right meds i guess.


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

10-02-07, 23:34
Hi James

Sorry to see it hasnt been good for you mate.

We are all here to help you and support you through this so you are not alone and trust me you will come through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

10-02-07, 23:43
Aww...sorry ta hear ya having a crap time hun...we r all here for u..


Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!