View Full Version : random symptoms at certain times

28-08-15, 02:42
I've been having odd symptoms flare up at certain and specific times of the day(about noon through evening)
*Random pulse sensations w/palpitations
*Feeling as though my blood pressure is going and up and down
*Sensing blood flow from the side of my neck
*Pressure feeling in neck around vein(bilateral or unilateral)
*Pressure at back of eyes
*Dizzy spell/brain fog(or forget a thought or so)
* "speed up" feeling by a 1/2-1 second
*Body heat
*Pulsating sensation around TMJ.

Like I've said these symptoms flare up at certain times and also specific environments: the dinning hall at my university, a crowded hall way, bar, etc. This had led me to draw my own opinions as it being anxiety. Though, I've been in quiet areas and these symptoms have flared up and even areas where it's not so crowded--like my own on campus apartment.

I've taken supplements(5HTP). It appears to boast my own mood than improve the symptoms. I do see some slight improvement. I purchased some passion flower dissolve tab, and I noticed some slight improvement somewhat.

I've been to a cardiologist and he ordered a stress echo and ekg which came up okay despite a slight tachy with anxiety.

These similiar "feelings" I've been getting had occured in early November 2014. I went to an ER; the ER doc ordered an EKG it showed a "right axis deviation." My pulse was 84(a little high but normal), my blood pressure I recall was 137 or so. The blood work came back mostly normal except my creatine kinase(CK) was around the 600 range which is high for early 20s guys my age. The ER doc had asked me, if I had worked out hard or drank coffee. I did exercise a bit hard at the gym with a friend and did drink coffee. So that might've been a factor, though I did experience some of those feelings prior that. She did say, that there wasn't any sign of stroke or heart attack.

These random symptoms have been creeping up on me for a while, and I feel so puzzled to what to do with it. One hand I want to think it's anxiety, but the other hand I feel like I have some nerve or vascular problem. Idk what's wrong with me

28-08-15, 04:11
I get the funny feeling in my neck and the pressure in my head. Have you been to the opticians? They can check the back of your eyes and reassure you that all is well there.

28-08-15, 04:40
I haven't. I know it's anxiety because these feelings get when I'm crowded areas. Maybe I'm hypersensitive to noise, which I never noticed. These feelings started in early November and then off and on in the Spring(March or April) then continued since then somewhat.

28-08-15, 05:56
Typical anxiety. I get the fatigue and body heat and the pressure behind the eyes is something I finally got an answer for. I was sure the optometrist was going to find a tumor behind there it was that bad. Nothing but tired eyes and tired eyes are caused by anxiety because the eyes are nerves and anxiety affects any nerves all over the body. Plus our eyes dilate with adrenaline and this is horribly comfortable in bright lighting (like stores and fluorescent lighting - I had to wear sunglasses to the supermarket) because dilation is for dark places to take in more light. When our eyes dilate in bright light it causes extreme discomfort like strained eyes, tired eyes, blurry eyes, and that horrible sensation of pressure behind them. I know enough now about the eye symptom that I just say "screw it" when it comes on and threatens to send me into a full blown panic.

The fact you can pinpoint when these symptoms occur is a dead giveaway it's anxiety. I would get symptoms though when I was in comfortable places but it's not the place that's ever the problem it's our mind and our nervous system. They are both amped up when you've developed GAD and the slightest thing sets it off. Anxiety isn't about situations, whether you're sitting in a room in your house or on the streets of Japan, it's the mind telling the body "danger danger" for absolutely no reason and the body has no choice but to flood us with adrenaline. People can have panic attacks in the shower because it's not the place, it's your response to the place. You're having anxiety in your specified situations and also at home because your anxiety level remains high. Once you treat anxiety and develop a place of calmness in your mind you can go to that place mentally anytime regardless of where you are and it lowers your anxiety and prevents panic because you can trick your mind into thinking you're in this relaxing place wherever you are. It's something I learned in therapy, to create this place where you feel peace and go there mentally whenever you are fretting about your surroundings.

29-08-15, 01:01
Eating in public areas(large room), walking near noise or speakers, large area with noise, or some loud noise I appear to have some random panic attack.

I don't appear to control it much when I'm in the enviornment.

I don't get why the supplements I take(5htp or passion flower) appear to only work, when I'm by myself. Is that "odd" if they briefly work when I'm alone, but when I step into an environment all it's potency appears to go away.

30-08-15, 21:42
Typical anxiety. I get the fatigue and body heat and the pressure behind the eyes is something I finally got an answer for. I was sure the optometrist was going to find a tumor behind there it was that bad. Nothing but tired eyes and tired eyes are caused by anxiety because the eyes are nerves and anxiety affects any nerves all over the body. Plus our eyes dilate with adrenaline and this is horribly comfortable in bright lighting (like stores and fluorescent lighting - I had to wear sunglasses to the supermarket) because dilation is for dark places to take in more light. When our eyes dilate in bright light it causes extreme discomfort like strained eyes, tired eyes, blurry eyes, and that horrible sensation of pressure behind them. I know enough now about the eye symptom that I just say "screw it" when it comes on and threatens to send me into a full blown panic.

The fact you can pinpoint when these symptoms occur is a dead giveaway it's anxiety. I would get symptoms though when I was in comfortable places but it's not the place that's ever the problem it's our mind and our nervous system. They are both amped up when you've developed GAD and the slightest thing sets it off. Anxiety isn't about situations, whether you're sitting in a room in your house or on the streets of Japan, it's the mind telling the body "danger danger" for absolutely no reason and the body has no choice but to flood us with adrenaline. People can have panic attacks in the shower because it's not the place, it's your response to the place. You're having anxiety in your specified situations and also at home because your anxiety level remains high. Once you treat anxiety and develop a place of calmness in your mind you can go to that place mentally anytime regardless of where you are and it lowers your anxiety and prevents panic because you can trick your mind into thinking you're in this relaxing place wherever you are. It's something I learned in therapy, to create this place where you feel peace and go there mentally whenever you are fretting about your surroundings.

Well written I have just got my partner to read this as he cant understand why I get anxiety symptoms and panic attacks at home , you just answered it perfectly😀