View Full Version : Aargh Breast Cancer! White...stuff?

28-08-15, 02:54
Ok, so, here goes. About 3 months ago I was doing one of my normal, over enthusiastic breast checks and gave my nip a rigorous sqooze. And as you can guess, I was rewarded with a drop of white stuff which COMPLETELY threw me into a BC panic. Yay! So went to my gyno, had blood taken, came back for a follow up and breast check, was told my thyroid and prolactin were cocked up, breast exam fine, no worries. Been taking my thyroid meds and no more leaks, even through the pokes and prods I've subjected myself to (HA is a bioytch), not a drip and not a drizzle.

I was getting over it. My husband (my usually cancer-panic wailing wall), rejoiced.

Until...tonight. I was getting ready for a bath and noticed Lefty had some...white crud embedded in the nip. I sort of picked it out, it was literally half the size of a flake of black pepper (and not that fancy course grind either) but now I'm aaaagh about this. Is this the dreaded discharge Dr. Google tells me means cancer is at hand? Or dead skin? Anyone else get gunk? I think I had some similar Lefty-gunk a couple weeks ago but wasn't in a high anxiety state then (which we all know makes all the difference) so I ignored it. I don't use a lot of lotion, or anything, but I do live in Texas, and it's summer, so yeah, there's some sweat.

28-08-15, 10:01
Do you have children? No matter how long ago, a woman's breasts are geared to produce milk once they have breastfed. It may be just that you have over-stimulated the nipple by squeezing it.

28-08-15, 10:27
I get little spots by my nipples that white stuff comes out of if I squeeze. I have had them as long as I can remember and they are totally normal. I have had sore/flaky nipples from not wearing sufficient support when exercising too! Google always throws up the worst possible scenarios... it is our biggest enemy as HA suffers. If you have seen your doctor try and take comfort in knowing if anything was up they would have almost certainly picked up on it :) hope this helps. HA is horrible *hugs* I worry about BC cause my Mom had it a few years ago. I try and rationalise my fears though and just do my monthly boob check in the shower, but sometimes when the scary thoughts set in I start feeling for lumps. Often, I am feeling stuff that isn't even there. HA blows up a tiny thing into a MASSIVE thing. I watched a TV programme the other night about OCD and there was this therapist and patient referring to the OCD as a 'bully' and it really struck a chord with me cause that's what HA feels like xxx

28-08-15, 12:38
Hello! Thank you for responding! No, I don't have children. And yes! HA is like a bully! Even so much as it seems to just pick on certain people. One of the things that bothers me most is knowing others don't get like this. I'm lucky enough to have a few close enough girlfriends I can ask and when I come to them and say "do you ever get lil bits of dried up white stuff on nips?" they'll go oh yeah, probably dead skin or whatever and I can't help but feel jealous that they can DO that. How is it possible they don't freak and panic and ruin their night over it?
I do feel better now, this sort of thing tends to come and go in waves for me. I try to keep it in my mind I was just professionally examined less than 3 months ago by my (wonderful) doctor and told I was 100% fine. It's sort of funny. I started reading these boards long before I ever posted and read a lot of people saying things like "I just got checked but I think the doctor missed something" and I'd think, oh, I'll never be that anxious, that bad. And here I am, thinking just that. But yes, you're right, he almost certainly would have found something if there was something.

28-08-15, 13:52
Hi, sounds like you may have some breast fluid from your prolactin levels - high prolactin (which is also an indicator od stress) causes this. But I think you're over-examining this.

28-08-15, 14:17
Hi! I am, I know I am but it does make me feel better to hear it. I go back to get my levels checked in about 2 weeks, I have a feeling they may up my thyroid meds a little. Thanks!