View Full Version : Still a bit of worry

28-08-15, 10:26
Hi Guys,

Been a while since I have posted on here. Little bit of history is a couple of months ago my panic attacks returned after 10 years of not really having anything! I could not understand it as I was just sitting there one day and wack it hit me! Few weeks went on and I was terrible, not sleeping, eating and I managed to loose over a stone and a half! I was at the doctors about 4 times in two weeks. Blood tests etc which showed elevated levels in my liver......added to the panic! I was not working, had to take time off. Then we had a holiday to Spain, I was nervous throughout the whole holiday, just could not relax! I felt terrible on my partner but she did understand.

What I didn't realise is that I was suffering with a horribly infected tooth and this was the root cause of my problem. On return from my holiday I had a root canal, literally an hour after they removed all the gunk and drilled my tooth to pieces I felt like a different person! It was weird! I have not had a panic attack since!

But what I am left with is a bit of health anxiety, did it cause me any damage having a tooth like this for a couple of months. I have had my liver test redone and all has come back clear now, doctor said it was probably the infected tooth and my body just trying to fight it.

I feel great in the fact my panic has left me but I hate being left with this anxiety about my health, I worry about the little things now, an ache in my arm is that my heart? A palpitation...is that the end?

I wonder if I will grow out of it? Has anyone managed to?