View Full Version : Horribly scared of premature death

28-08-15, 15:14
Hey, so a little backstory, I've always been extremely anxious about my health and overall wellbeing, so including the chance of assault/murder/anything that can kill me basically. I never had great reasons for this that I can remember, it's just how it is and already hard to live with.
Several months ago I got a really random private message on Facebook from a person who was absolutely unknown to me, stating "you will die soon". Right at that moment I just sent the person to screw themselves and promptly blocked, but I feel absolutely terrified still and I can't shake the feeling!! Why would someone say something like this to a person they don't know? How do I stop thinking of this? It's a small thing yet it has cost me several sleepless nights and panicked days. I even find myself thinking what if this was a fake account of someone who hates me and wants to threaten me, or even more crazily, what if this person somehow predicted my impending death? Lol. I know this sounds so irrational but I swear, I'm not trolling. I feel horrible. Help.. :(

28-08-15, 17:55
Have you told people about this fear you have? Because maybe it was a "friend" being "funny"

28-08-15, 17:56
Death and the pre-occupation with it is a common theme on the boards. Regardless of anxiety, it's a subject that crosses the minds of everyone at one time or another. I believe it comes down to not being in control. It's something that can be addressed in therapy as it's more of a way of thinking about it and acceptance than anything else.

Concerning the message? It means nothing. It's no different than those messages that say things like "If you don't share this, something bad will happen in the next 24 hours". As far as why? The bottom line is there are a lot of "trolls" out there who gain satisfaction from being a (&!^%#$

Positive thoughts