View Full Version : Hard Lump Back of Neck

28-08-15, 16:06
Me again! So I have had a hard immovable marble sized lump on the back of my neck near my hairline for around 10 years maybe more I think my Dad also had one too scince he was a child, like I said it does not move has never changed or doesnt hurt and its hard and rubbery I think it might be a lymph node. Should I be worried about this or just leave it? Has anyone else had the same?

I also feel a slight warm heavy feeling when I have a sip of alcohol so obviously putting 2 and 2 together Im quite scared I could have Lymphoma. If anyone could shed some light on either of these worries i have I would be so grateful!

28-08-15, 18:32
Probably a lipoma and as far as your addition?


Positive thoughts

29-08-15, 10:29
Thanks again Fishmanpa for your reply I dont think it would be a Lipoma because they move around right?! Its rock hard just bigger than a pea and is stuck there. After 10 years or so I would know if it was something cancerous right?

29-08-15, 11:11
After 10 years the chances of it being anything awful are virtually 0 I would think. Cancers grow and spread to other areas of the body; even the slow ones don't just sit there for a decade doing nothing. If your dad had something similar then I would say please don't worry!

29-08-15, 11:19
Thank you I will try to put it to the back of my mind. My dad said his was a cyst so maybe mine is too. Like you say its probably nothing after all these years.