View Full Version : Every mouth symptom...

28-08-15, 17:15
I keep noticing every single mouth symptom. I can't seem to force myself to stop shining a light in my mouth!

At first I noticed my tooth kept catching the side of my tongue and it made like a white ulcer-type thing that went after about 5 days but then came back and I can still see as a white area very faintly. Then I noticed red on the roof of my mouth which nobody else seemed to think was an issue. Then under my tongue I'm concerned it's abnormal and has pimples/an inflamed salivary gland. I feel like I'm making my tongue and mouth in general sore because every time there's a mirror I'm checking, shining a light in there, prodding and poking around.

Waiting on CBT to start.... :(

28-08-15, 18:30
Yep ....no doubt all the checking and worrying thats all your focusing on .

I,m doing the same at the minute as i have a lesion on my tongue through a tooth rubbing .
I wont be told its nothing by my dentist as she mentioned a "referal" if it does not improve but assured me she was not concerned .

My mouth has always had odd lumps and bumps , red patchs (spicy food) and the odd white patch which goes

Why do we do it to ourselves :mad:

29-08-15, 16:44
Same here - noticed a strange feeling at the side of my mouth when pulling certain faces, then found a painless lump inside my cheek near the sensation. Similar to the little lumps you get behind your bottom lips, but a fair bit bigger...

Been to dentist and they weren't concerned, could barely find it, and reckon it's a blocked minor salivery duct.

2 weeks later it still hasn't cleared, I'm checking my mouth with a torch 5 times a day and constantly tonguing the lump to check for changes in size and shape. It changes all the bloody time from little and soft to big and hard and back again... except now it's really tender and aching!!

Im also getting it into my head that my face is going numb and that it's spreading. Only to check later in the day and find my face isn't numb and it's gone small and soft again :p

I'm starting to think I'm maybe (probably) irritating it by checking all the time... that's why it's not going and why it's now starting to hurt!

Annoyingly this has peaked my anxiety for every mouth and face sensation that happens through the day...

Just wish the bugger would clear up and leave me alone ;D