View Full Version : effect of anxiety on relationships

08-02-07, 07:53
How have other people found their anxiety has affected their relationship with their partener? Usually, my partener is very patient and supportive, but just recently, he has got a bit fed up with the lack of attention from me and things have got a bit sticky between us, which has incresed my anxiety. How do other people deal with this?[?]

08-02-07, 08:07
I can relate to that. My husband gets completely fed up when I'm not well but at the end of the day I have to convince him that it's just a phase I'm going through and normal service will resume when I'm ok again.


08-02-07, 08:36
My husband resents me.


08-02-07, 11:31
my marraige has definatley nose-dived since i,ve had anxiety.my hubby does try to support me,but at times i know he,s fed up with it!
i do try to hide how i feel at times,but i guess that isn,t really the best thing to do though!!!!
take care
rach x

08-02-07, 11:58
my husband does get fed up when i go on and on about my ectopics i can understand where he is coming from but when i have a bad spell and i freak out about if i get a horrible episode with them he can be comforting so i suppose im quite lucky its me that has to come to terms that they are not life threatning when i have them but i know its hard you can get great days and really horrible days its a vicious circle xxx

08-02-07, 13:02

Yep, my wife has snapped a few times over my anxiety.
They just don't know what it's like to suffer with this fear all day long.


08-02-07, 14:18

Yes i do think it has caused a certain amount of stress between me and my hubby. He does tend to tune out a bit when i start going on about it. He does look at me with a blank expression at times. I try not to let it bother me coz i know he doesn't understand how it feels but i do think he keeps his feelings hidden sometimes. I think i scare him when i have a p/attack but he doesn't show it coz he knows from past experience that makes me worse. I do feel sorry for him. But a bit of sympathy would be nice occasionally. A "how have you been today" would be nice!!!

08-02-07, 14:19
My partner couldn't understand it all when I first started sliding down the panicky slope. Was frustrating for us both.

He came with me to some Dr's appointments and my Dr was really good in explaining he won't understand cos' I don't but to try to adapt to it for a while.

Also his boss ( who is a Chief Excutive and very respected) found out I was struggling and told him that he suffered from them. I think that really helped cos' he had someone to talk to.

Gradually we began to communicate about it and I'd be honest and say 'no chance can't do that' or ' scared so help me out' .

He doesn't pretend to understand be does try to be supportive. Obviously he gets peeved off about it sometimes but in some ways it has amde us fall in love with each other a little more.

08-02-07, 15:11
My partner has always been veery supportive,but could not fully understand how I felt.He then watched house of agrophobics and was really surprised by it and can now see where Im coming from.
Im the one who always feels guilty about the way he has to put up with me,missing out on things because of me.

Ellen XX

eddie d
08-02-07, 17:36
my missis makes me tea and just leaves me to get on with it really .my mother is more helpfull .but she worked as a phyciatric (spelling) nurse so understands whats going on a bit .

08-02-07, 21:03
My anxiety and panic attacks went when I was with my previous boyfriend but 6 months before we broke up they came back but not as bad as what they are now.

On the whole he was very supportive and was worried about me when I had attacks. He was there for me which I still think today was great!

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."

08-02-07, 22:09
This Illness affects my boyfriend. He is here for me, but he dont understand how I feel each day of anxiety and panic attacks. And I no it's hard for a person who dose'nt suffer from them. I hate to overload him because I have to depend on him more now than I ever have.I dont drive no more and sometimes I cant cook,clean and ect and he have to fit in..I no it's hard on ya partner becaue they dont like to see us suffer.I just pray that God give them the mind and strength to be by my side each day until I am better..And I wil get better one day, might not be when I want it, but it's gonna be on time/..Living with panic attack is a terrible thing to live with.And I no yall no what I mean..But I thank God I got a boyfriend who didnt walk out of me but be by my side.It's hard for the kids also. I have 2 kids and I no it affects them to see there mother Ill every single day..Well God bless you all and continue to think postive..

08-02-07, 22:41
Thanks everyone, I feel better for some support. My partner is still supporting me in a general kind of way, but it would be nice to have hug every now and again.

08-02-07, 22:47
Hi Cat

Totally understand how you feel. Hey dont we wish we could be like we used to be but on the other hand i do appreciate until you have been where we are you have no real understanding. Its a case of making it meet half way. I tend to back of myself and it is my partner that tries to make it better, but when i want to be alone he doesnt understand and gets a bit huffy with me. Its hard to balance the scales but you will hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-04-09, 15:44
my partner is supportive i think he has been up until laterly wen he seemed anoyed wen i panic. more anoyed wen it came wen he was visiting we leave 3 hour apart as he at uni and i just finished i think he gets angry wen i waste time been anxious and we miss out on things because of it

24-04-09, 18:00
Hi Cat, Great Post!

My partner is very loving and gives me lots of hugs when i'm struggling. i think he understands anxiety better than depression, but he hasn't had either and therefore it is all a bit of a mystery to him.. My family are great, they have had similar experiences and understand without me having to say a word. That is such a help. xx

24-04-09, 18:23
My OH says he doesn't understand why I panic or am stressed when my 'life is perfectly fine'. I can understand his frustrations. He just can't understand mine.