View Full Version : Breast cancer fear once again

28-08-15, 18:04
I've had this fear on and off. I had an ultrasound on my breast last December which was clear. My breast is tingling again and my arm feels dead. I had this sensation in may and it went away. I don't know if their both connected but I'm terrified. My shoulder is really sore but I lie a funny way when I'm sleeping with my arm over my head so It may be that. Has anyone had this at all? I'm so worried that it's cancer and I'll not see my daughter grow up. Im 27 and know the chances are low but they aren't impossible

29-08-15, 08:14
Anyone please

29-08-15, 14:02
Hi Jessicasmummy,

If you are feeling concerned then you should have a chat with your GP. I have been experiencing all sorts of strange aches, sensations and numbness these past couple of weeks, so I understand how concerning it is. After some blood work and other tests, I have been told that all is normal, which has been the most reassuring thing so far. Since then everything has calmed down and I am feeling more normal since everything began. I am starting to come around to the idea that anxiety can cause a lot of strange feelings in the body.

Whatever you do, do not turn to Google. I cannot stress this enough!


29-08-15, 14:36
I have back problems and i get all sorts of weird symptoms in my breasts from tingling to prickling like I have something sharp in my bra. Your mention of odd feeling arm would tie up with a muscular problem much more than breast cancer.

You can get a Dr to examine your breasts for lumps etc and if there is nothing to be felt or seen then that would be very reassuring. Mammograms are totally useless at your age as your breast tissue is far too dense.

Do go and talk to your GP about your fear as I am sure an examination will put your mind at rest as much as it can do for anyone with HA!

Don't ruin your life as us oldies on here have done worrying about the what ifs - go and enjoy your life please.

30-08-15, 19:04
Thank you so much for replying. It's so hard not to worry. In obsessed because I like to have a few glasses of wine now and again and convinced that will cause me to get breast cancer. I do enjoy life but this keeps coming in to my head and I'm worried I'll leave my daughter without a mum. I mean I'm only 27 I shouldn't be worrying about things like this

30-08-15, 21:54
You are perceptive to your problem which is a good thing and I know all to well how hard it is to be anyway logical about our worries!

What saddens me now I am in my 50's is how much I wasted my life worrying that every symptom was a sign of something fatal, it is only with age and accepting that awful things happen to nice people that my HA has improved a bit, but only a bit:)

31-08-15, 12:35
Its so hard not to think bad. I just keep thinking I'll get this horrible disease especially because I like to drink wine and I drink it more than I should to stop the thoughts and fears so it's a vicious circle. I have one breast lumpier than the other and I've started examing myself again which has heightened my anxiety as I do feel lumps. The consultant last year said it's normal lumps but what if there's a lump there thats not normal 😞

31-08-15, 15:09
Is breast cancer at 21 even possible? I have a lump in my right breast that comes out only days before my period and then goes away. I guess it`s just a pms symptom but i worry. Because i constantly find new diseases to worry about. Help

02-09-15, 16:59
I can't stop examining my breast it's making me ill. The fact this breast is lumpy I don't know how to differentiate normal lumps and bad lumps

02-09-15, 18:21
You can't differentiate between normal lumps and others as you are not medically trained! At your age they are almost certainly hormonal lumps that come and go at different times of the month plus the more you prod and poke the more inflamed your breast tissue will be so will feel lumpy which means a viscious circle.

Go back to your Gp and explain how worried you are about your lumpy breasts, ask for a manual examination with a Dr that is experienced in this and then stop touching your breasts. Yes do a normal exam once a month at same time of month as recommended but nothing in between.

Also ask your Gp for help with your health anxiety- its so sad that you are ruining your life at such a young age and hopefully treatment now could help you. x

02-09-15, 18:34
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

03-09-15, 12:10
Now I'm really anxious last night I was examining again
And felt a lump. Now I've felt this lump before and it did not cause me concern but now I'm feeling so scared. It's like normal breast tissue but more prominent. My rib does stick out alot more at that side so everything is more prominent. I tried to feel it this morning lying down but couldn't feel anything so I tried and tried now I'm sore

08-09-15, 11:22
Hi.guys well I attended my gp today and she said she can't feel a.definite breast.lump and feels like breast tissue. But is referring me back to the breast clinic to be checked. I'm so worried I was hoping she'd tell me all was ok and then I'd feel reassured. The appointment won't be for 6-8 weeks and I'm going to be worrying for all this time. She said because I had an.ultrasound in.December last year she's not worried. I think she's sending me back because I'm so anxious

08-09-15, 20:25
That is standard procedure, especially if you are anxious about it. If there was anything truly worrisome then they wouldn't let you wait for 6-8 weeks. Besides (and this is just to calm your anxiety a bit because I'm certain you are perfectly healthy) breast cancer is no death sentence, with a 90% 5-year survival rate.

It's just anxiety, hang in there and try to relax a little. :)

09-09-15, 08:34
I just keep thinking I can feel a lump and I can bit the gp said it feels like breast tissue. I want to try and relax and not worry for all the weeks. I've got a family and I can't seem.to think about anything apart from.dying of cancer. We're booking a holiday today for next year and I keep thinking I'll not be going

11-09-15, 17:39
So I'm really anxious tonight. Keep thinking I'm going g to die and not see my daughter grow up

11-09-15, 22:12
If you drag your fingers at all on breast tissue this will make you feel all the fat cells in your breast. I scared myself silly many years ago before I learnt how to examine my breasts. If you do the same on any area of your body with fat you get the same hard lumpy feeling.

If your Dr had any worries at all you would have been referred under the two week rule. She is sending you purely because she knows you will not calm down without going to the clinic for further tests rather than because she thinks you need to go!

12-09-15, 11:57
When I drag my fingers over it does feel the same but when I press i can feel a small lump. Do you think the gp would have been able to feel it? I keep thinking she's missed it but she did give it all a good prod! I'm going out my mind with worry it's awful. The fact I have to wait so long for an appointment has made me so anxious as if there is anything sinister it could be a lot more advanced