View Full Version : Waiting for mammogram results

28-08-15, 20:06
I know all women over a certain age on this site will appreciate the hell of the thread title!
My mother died of breast cancer so its a real and genuine fear for me. I had my first nhs mammo 3 years ago and had a letter all okay after 6 days. Next one was due two weeks ago and off i went. They say on their info results within 2 weeks but the radiographer said as I was leaving it could be up to 3 weeks as they are short staffed.
So every day the postman comes and I almost die of fright, part of me wanting to know part of me not but now 2 weeks and nothing so I rang the screening unit in case a letter had been sent and gone astray and was horrified to be told the wait isn't 2-3 weeks but possibly 4-6 weeks for results. No letter had gone astray for me - still waiting.
This is just cruel for someone with health anxiety!

28-08-15, 20:19

I totally understand this. But if you weren't screened you would never know if something did come up that could be caught early. Screening exists because it works. It's probably saved me from having to have much more aggressive treatment for cervical problems. Worst case scenario you get recalled and in the unlikely event that this happens AND a biopsy says breast cancer.. Be assured it's early (or possibly never would have harmed you in the first place). I've had a breast biopsy for a lump recently, waiting is hard, but it's better to do this than the unknown.

Space xxx

28-08-15, 20:25
Hi mate..

Yea its a bugger .....my wife waited 8 weeks for a biopsy result but she dont worry !.....it was all fine .

Wish i was like hear .

Its just routine so no rush , no fast track etc but try telling our HA minds that .


28-08-15, 21:21
I've just had one Country girl but was fortunate enough to have the results in less than 2 weeks - all clear!

I do know how you feel though and I dread mine every 3 years, but I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. Spacebunnyx talks a lot of sense though about early detection. Better we have the tests than not. Don't worry lovely, all will be well xxx

28-08-15, 21:28
Thanks everyone for your replies much appreciated. I am all for the screening but just want an answer within 24 hrs!!! preferably:)

natalie yog
28-08-15, 21:47
My Mum is waiting for her results at the moment. She's amazing and just gets on with things and goes to work while I'm acting like I'm waiting for my results like a nervous wreck.

28-08-15, 22:06
My Mum is waiting for her results at the moment. She's amazing and just gets on with things and goes to work while I'm acting like I'm waiting for my results like a nervous wreck.

My friend is like this, can't understand why I might be worried about the results:wacko:. If only I could be like her!

29-08-15, 00:26
My friend is like this, can't understand why I might be worried about the results:wacko:. If only I could be like her!

Thats me :weep::weep:

Waiting for a check up on my tongue "thingie" so life is on hold with worry ....why do we do it a google did not help ....grrrrrrrr

Tomoz is another day this anxiety can get fecked until next week its bank holiday the last one it wont rule my weekend