View Full Version : Headaches

08-02-07, 10:34
I am not one for headaches but ive had one now for 3 days. It is worrying me so much that I can't really sleep thinking the worst.

My auntie had a brain tumour 2 yrs ago and my dads best friend died of a brain haemorage at the weekend so I guess thats not helping.

The headache isn't hammering away but its kind of like a tight fuzzy feeling across my forehead, temples, ears and down the back of my head and neck. My nose aches abit aswell. My mum said its bound to be this cold weather and me worrying esp as a family friend has died suddenly of a brain haemorage.

My auntie always told me if its serious the headache is really bad and you cannot see because of it. I have no other symptoms and I also had a full blood count on friday to check my iron and that was fine so would a tumour or bleed show as something not right in my bloods?

Haivng abit of a set back this week, my daughter who is 16 mths gave me a fright on sunday, she had a fit because her temp was high so that made me jumpy again and then I got a phone call from my dad about his friend who was like an uncle to us since we were born, his wife also only died 4 months ago:(

08-02-07, 10:49
hi jem
i,m not surprised that you have been feeling fuzzy headed,with everything thats been going on!!!!
its just stress and tension hun,please don,t worry about it.
i hope your daughter is feeling better now.
take care
rach x

08-02-07, 10:50
Thanks Rach,

Its hard not to worry though isn't it.

I have been feeling so much brighter and now i feel low:-(

08-02-07, 11:14
yes i know its really difficult not to worry!!!!!
but this just fuels your anxiety even more.this is just a blip and you,ll soon feel better
take care'
rach x

08-02-07, 11:54
hi jem try not to worry that just makes your headache worse me and my neighbour have had this headache thing for the last 4 days now i got told from my docs when she came up to see my young daughter about tonsilitise that there is a horrible bug going about that is in fact headache related i hope you feel better soon take care love julie xx

08-02-07, 13:50

My daughter has also been ill so maybe ive something from her, I do keep getting cold shooting type feeling up the back of my head.

09-02-07, 09:05
Headache seems to of cleared alot today but im abit lightheaded and feeling very very tired. I even went to bed at 9.30 last night I was so tired.

I have 3 children, i was up every hour checking my daughter sunday night when she was ill and most nights i only get 4-5 hours broken sleep most nights so I guess its catching up on me.

10-02-07, 16:20
Try this ...

Headaches - http://www.drjimboyd.com/book/text.html


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel