View Full Version : Night time panic attacks

29-08-15, 08:17
Hi there,
I am 18 years old however have always been an extremely anxious person and my dad suffers a lot for anxiety. Twice now In the past two months I have woken up in the middle of the night (both times after drinking alcohol) and felt like I cannot breathe. As the room is dark I feel trapped and in order to calm down I have to get out of the room into a light new area where I can calm down. This is only happened twice since the end of June however I have never suffered before from anything like this. Could this be related to the fact that my mum recently passed away? As the first one happened about 5 days after that. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!! Thank you

29-08-15, 22:28
Hi, I'm 18 to :)
It does sound like the panic attacks are very much connected to your personal circumstances. Do you have any other symptoms?
You said it's happened twice in the past 2 months, so the attacks seem to be not regular yet. Mine started like yours, around Januaryish, I had like 1 attack every month, until June when they started to become more regular.
Do you feel they are slowly starting to calm down or getting worse? xx

31-08-15, 13:36
Yes I do think it's related as although I'm an anxious person I've never had that before! They were both similar and both after
I've drank so not sure if that's a factor!! Is there any reason why you would get yours? I think for now I'm ok it's just if it happens again I'm not really sure whether to just brush it off or do something about it

31-08-15, 18:03
Mine came on strangely. I was doing some college research on brain injury's and in particular epidural hemorrhages. Later that night I was play fighting with my sister for control of the TV remote when she accidentally hit me on the head with it, and I just had a massive panic attack thinking I was gonnna have a hemorrhage to! Compleately crazy thinking as my head only hurt a little.. Since then iv had them all the time, at first they were mild, say once a month. But these last 3 months iv been having up to 3 a day now.
It's odd the way you've had them only after drinking. Because they seem to be sparse at the moment, i'd advise you to get a little diary and write down the date you had each panic attack, along with the symptoms, how long they lasted, where you was, had you had a drink ext...
Take it from there and see how that works.
:hugs: xx

31-08-15, 23:29
Thank you! Think I'll
Try this and see how I get on! Hope yours are not too bad now and aren't affecting you too much.
Take care x