View Full Version : Memory worry m.e/Cfs/fibro

29-08-15, 11:27
Hi I have m.e/fibro and anxiety. I and am worried about my memory. I know brain fog can be common with these conditions but I'm still worried stiff.
I forget things really quickly. I called to my husband the other day and he answered and within seconds I totally forgot what is called him for.
I go to do something then completely forget what I was about to do.
When I'm about to speak or say something I think of completely the wrong word before I'm about to say it. For example I went to say chicken the other day and the word penguin popped in my head first!? so I had to consciously think to say the word chicken before I actually said it out loud. And I went to shout my sisters dog yesterday and her old dogs name popped into my mind first to say before his proper name. I also went to say stapler at work but before saying it the word ruler or something came out but I know the word I want to say.
When I'm talking I feel tongue tied too like I'm not pronouncing things properly and just not sounding right.
I feel I don't remember things people have told me either. Worried.

29-08-15, 12:06
Sounds normal to me...

I was at work the other day and told the children to watch out for the Wasing maching because it was hot (I was doing the ironing)

The more you loook at a word you have written down and it looks wrong?

calling people/ animals by the wrong names? I sometimes have to call my 5 nieces and nephews every name of thier brothers and sisters before I get the right name lol.

29-08-15, 12:14
Always calling the children the other children's names!

29-08-15, 12:20
yep.... Tamzin isn't keen when I call her Josh...

all perfectly normal brain burps

29-08-15, 13:12
Every day tho. Worrying. I just feel like my brain isn't in gear

31-08-15, 15:26
Any one else?