View Full Version : Just had a scan and now very sad and upset

29-08-15, 12:42
Just had a private baby bond scan.
Measured 11+1.
However their is lots of fluid behind babies neck so they suggested I ring my midwife Monday morning.
She also said their is a chance it could be because of a big genetic abnormality, hole in the heart or downs etc.
Really upset right now and scared I'll loose my baby.
Also I had one cyst in right ovary at 9+6 now I have two cysts and what looks like a blocked tube.

I'm not worried about downs I know someone with it my self and his wonderful just worried about major life threatening disorders.
Fluid measures 4.5mm

29-08-15, 13:26
Emma, it's true that excess fluid can indicate that something is wrong with the baby and nothing will stop you from worrying and wondering until you have an NHS scan to check for abnormalities.

I sincerely hope that the private scan people have got it wrong as you are still at a very early stage of your pregnancy. If they haven't then you need to know as soon as possible just what you're facing here.

I really feel for you and your partner. You must be very shocked.

29-08-15, 13:40
Just wanted to say that I wish you the best possible outcome. Hugs x

29-08-15, 14:45
Hi Emma, I'm really sorry you are going through this scare. It must be really frightening. I hope they have got it wrong too and you get some answers soon.

Hoping for the best :hugs:

29-08-15, 15:29
I am distraught. I've sat here just staring at the wall for the last hour.
I have no idea how to cope :(

---------- Post added at 15:29 ---------- Previous post was at 15:00 ----------

Very worried about my blocked tube and cysts as well

29-08-15, 16:34
First make sure you don't google.

From what it looks like, and I could be wrong, the fluid just estimates risk of having an abnormality but doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. The baby could still be healthy. Looks like it triggers further testing.

What is the next step for you?

29-08-15, 16:43
The next step is an nhs scan then deciding if an amino or cvs needs to be done, both carry a small risk of miscarriage so not an easy decision

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------

Also with my blocked tube I'm convinced I'll never be fertile again

29-08-15, 17:22
As regards the " blocked" tube that would need specialised dye testing and couldn't be confirmed on an ultrasound alone.

I know you are in shock right now and you need to consider all your options but I think you will only know more once you have had the NHS scan. I'm sure this will be arranged for you as soon as possible.

I've given birth to a premature baby with major abnormalities. He'll be 30 in November and copes just fine.

29-08-15, 18:12
When's your next scan Emma? I've also been through this, if u want to ask anything, feel free to send private message......
I know this does not help, but please try and keep positive, how many weeks pg are you?

29-08-15, 18:36
Hi I'm eleven weeks pregnant. Next scan is 9th September. I wasn't having the screening nt test but now I'm opting in for it.
So very scared I'll lose my baby x
Thanks everyone for talking to me:)

29-08-15, 18:51
Emma - the scan lady should not have said that to you and scared you like that, that is so unprofessional! She should have told you to contact your midwife and not made suggestions as to what it could be!

I'm sorry you're going through this, try and keep yourself as calm as possible, getting stressed is not good for you, or the baby. Ring the midwife asap, and deal with things as they happen, don't try and predict the future or you will be worrying about things that may not happen.

Sending positive thoughts x

29-08-15, 19:57
I'd be far more inclined to see what your NHS scan shows. Are the private scan people qualified radiographers or just healthcare professionals?

29-08-15, 20:03
They are qualified radiogrophers.
It's a scary time. Thinking about it now and looking at my nine week scan photos I can see lots of fluid around head their to so don't think it's just one of those things that will go away.

29-08-15, 20:05
Hope your ok hun. U could always contact early pregnancy unit at your hospital for any advice and reassurance. They were very helpful for me. Fingers crossed for you x

29-08-15, 20:17
Thanks I never thought of contacting them.
I'm not ok but what can I do.
I've hid all my scan photos and the little outfit I bought them last week as I can't bear to look at them :(

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

Also she really struggled to measure the fluid baby didn't want to move into the right position took ages to move them

29-08-15, 20:29
Really sorry to hear about this Emma. My wife and I went through something similar after a scan. I know how hard a time this must be for you.

29-08-15, 20:30
Oosh- if you don't mind me asking what was the outcome and what was found out at your scan.
It's hard isn't it you never thought you could care so much about something like you do them xx

29-08-15, 20:51
Early pregnancy unit/gynae ward are there 24/7, but don't read all possibilities on the Internet and scare yourself. I've been there myself, but as my midwife says try not to worry about things until you know more.... Get a second opinion also, I know how you must be feeling and it's easier said than done..... But keep positive, keep yourself busy and try and push for an early scan for your own peace of mind xx

29-08-15, 20:56
Well ours wasn't the same issue as yours but it was a traumatic experience at a scan.

Just a shock isn't it when you're taken by surprise. We are ok though and you will be too.

29-08-15, 20:58
Sorry to hear you are going through this Emma. I agree with Penny that you should call the early pregnancy unit for some support and advise. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-08-15, 21:31
Thanks people.
My early pregnancy unit is open Monday I will give them a call. Failing that I'll phone midwife and failing that I'll see the gp.
Praying for the best but accepting baby may have a life threatening condition.
I'm hoping it's just nothing or at its worst downs syndrome where they can still lead a fulfilling and happy life.
Oosh- I hope everything every thing turned out ok for you x

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

Oh just had a thought early pregnancy unit said I could ring gynecology ward if they are closed. I'll try that in the morning

30-08-15, 01:10
Hi, I'm praying for you and a good outcome. It's not long now til the morning - make sure you insist on a scan/tests/whatever you need done, when you call them - tbh i think they'll bring you straight in for another scan. Thing will work out just fine xx

30-08-15, 09:49
Hi everyone rung the ward. You can't self refer I have to go through gp or midwife when I can get hold off either.
Still very worried if baby is healthy. I lay awake most of the night just thinking. Completely numb and in shock. I don't know if I could deal with baby having a life threatening condition that would mean termination is the kindest thing.
Very worried that I have two cysts as opposed to one last week and a suspected blocked tube surely the nhs would of told me this last week.

31-08-15, 18:40
Emma, you are thinking well ahead of everything and thinking the worst.

That is what we do and we know it is not helpful and yet we do it anyway.

You are expecting a baby, you are fertile.

I am sure you can self refer to early pregnancy unit? Don't be put off, you need reassurance and information, the service is there for you.

31-08-15, 21:52
Thanks :)
It's just because she suspected a blocked tube which has me worried how easy it will be to conceive again. Only took two months this time. She said I should get my tube followed up on the nhs. Tbh she had nothing positive at all to say to me.
My epu you can't self refer but some you can. Midwife should call me back tomorrow.

01-09-15, 12:01
Hey Em,

I just wanted to say 'hi' and you're not alone. My youngest son's scan showed similar, he's now a noisy, active three yr old.

One step at a time. xx

01-09-15, 19:57
Hope you have had some help today. xx

01-09-15, 20:22
Hi So glad your son was ok :)
Nt scan again tomorrow combined with bloods to give me risk factor like 1:2 1:100 etc. hopefully fluid will have gone down and bloods will lower My risk plus my age - 21 should Lower the risk as well.
This is another private scan. I spoke to midwife and hospital earliest they could do was the 9th.
Need to speak to midwife about suspected blocked tube as well. That's such a scary thought.

01-09-15, 22:35
Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. It's going to be very emotional, so maybe take a list of all the questions you want to ask so you remember them all.

02-09-15, 07:49
Hi Emma, thinking about you today hunny. Hope everything goes ok. Xx

02-09-15, 08:40
I hope things become clearer for you, Emma. The worst thing is not knowing. I'm sorry that the NHS can't do anything until the 9th-that's unacceptable in my view.

02-09-15, 09:44
Thanks everyone:)
So nervous, hopefully will know more when risk factor results come in.
I know today is the first hurdle and we won't really know if baby is ok until the 20 week scan. I'm 11 weeks now

02-09-15, 13:13
Hi Emma yeh you will be scared an worrying I was terrified when I went for my scan to find out the sac was empty then three days later had a miscarriage but I hope u will be fine and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope the baby is ok xx

02-09-15, 15:38
Good luck, Emma... Keep us posted'

02-09-15, 16:18
Hi everyone had scan. Fluid measured 4.9mm compared to 4.5mm Saturday.
Was offered a harmony test but our card got declined on paying so we went for the combined test which will give us a risk factor of 1:5 1:100 etc. Harmony would of told us with about 92-99 per cent accuracy. Gutted we couldn't get that.
My choice is now a cvs or amino which is a needle into the uterus and carries risk of miscarriage. She then said to pester hospital for a 16 week cardio scan. All very doom and gloom really. Back to work tomorrow. We had booked these few days off as holiday and they've been ruined.
Thanks for asking everyone..

02-09-15, 16:27
Oh Emma, I'm sorry it sounds like you really didn't get many answers or reassurance today. I don't know the system over there so can't offer much advice but am sending hugs and support. :hugs:

02-09-15, 20:30
Thanks. it's growing on track, it's even measuring a day ahead now with a heartbeat of 171bpm . I'm sure if they saw any other soft markers they would point them out as well.
Even if we are considered high risk we still have every chance of a healthy baby, even 1:5 the other way around is 4:5 which sounds better. So line 100 women up with that's still only 10 per cent who will have a defect. I think the nt test causes more worry than it's worth.
It's still hard though.

02-09-15, 21:02
I'm sorry you're stressing about this. When my ex was pregnant with both our children, they were considered high risk due to some of her health issues. Both times they did an amniocentesis and both times we were told basically the same thing you're being told. Both were born health and are now young adults and doing just fine :)

Focus on you as your health, both physical and mental, is vital to your baby.

Positive thoughts

04-09-15, 19:53
Omg. Results are in from the nuchal test they say 1:280 chance of downs !! I was so expecting 1:5 or worse. So happy.
Nuchal : 4.9mm: 3.87 mom
Frea beta hug level: 120.7: 2.99 mom
Papp-a: 5283: 2.26 mom
Nasal bone: present.
It doesn't mention t18 and t13 so can anyone say if I'm probably low risk based on Papp-a results as well? Would they be really low with those?
12 weeks today as well. I know we have a long way to go yet and we now have a 16 week heart scan and the 20 week anomaly scan but oh my gosh what a relief. Hope everyone else is ok

---------- Post added at 19:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

Oh also got a letter today saying I'm not immune to rubella. Really strange as I've had the mmr vaccines as a child.

04-09-15, 20:54
I have no clue what any of these results mean, but I'm guessing they're good :)


08-09-15, 16:49
Just popped in to wish you well with the scan on the 9th.

Sounds like you are waiting for 16 weeks now things seem much more reassuring.

Really pleased for you and your partner. Keep us up to date :)

08-09-15, 17:24
It's sounding good!

Keep resting. Good luck :hugs:

09-09-15, 02:06
Thats good news, Emma. That's very low chances!

09-09-15, 12:36
Thanks everyone.
Scan today, really nervous. Will update later.
Thanks for all the kind words :)

09-09-15, 13:10
Good luck Emma :hugs:

09-09-15, 13:30
Good luck Emma!!! Let us know how you get on xx

09-09-15, 16:36
Thanks everyone.
Well baby was having a right old party today wouldn't stay still for ages. So funny.
Dated at 12+4. Due date 19th March.
When I saw Lady measuring the fluid I mentioned that it was high last week she said " who told you that, it's within the normal range" I told her we had a private scan at 11+4 and she said it was irresponsible to tell me that at such gestation and that the fluid was measuring 2.6mm how. Fantastic news.
We then went upstairs for the bloods and I told the lady about the private scan, she said not to worry about the previous high reading. So we should get even lower odds than 1:280 this time. She said from what they can see now the stomach etc all looks normal.
So 20 week scan booked for fri 30th October. Feel like I can start enjoying my pregnancy again.

09-09-15, 17:11
That's fantastic news Emma. So happy for you. This is why I didn't go into full detail about my pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different. I unfortunately didn't have good news at mine. I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy now and can look forward to your bundle of joy in March. Keep positive and look forward to happy times

09-09-15, 17:35
Such good news and a shame you had all that worry.

But all is well and baby thriving. Hope you can relax a bit and enjoy this time.

09-09-15, 18:20
Great news!!!! Xxx

09-09-15, 18:38
Such good news :hugs:

09-09-15, 18:41
The danger of these private scans at such an early stage...money making schemes in my opinion.

I'm so pleased that the news is positive and I hope like others that you can now start to enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to a healthy baby in March

09-09-15, 18:45
Great News Emma :)