View Full Version : Anxiety, health anxiety, need some encouragement

29-08-15, 18:25
Hi! I am so glad I found this website!

I am 25/f. I've had anxiety all my life. I've been on 50mg Zoloft since I was 10. I recently went off with a doctors help (weaned off over 6 months). This summer my anxiety has been much worse.

I ended up in the ER due to dizziness and palpitations. ECG was "abnormal," but all blood and urine tests came back clear. Thyroid test was clear also. ER doctor told me to see a cardiologist.

My dizziness comes and goes. Sometimes it lasts all day and then I don't have it for a few days at all. Chest pains, leg pains, throat pain, trouble sleeping, eating, and breathing. My GP (who is actually a nurse practitioner) says I have a sinus arrhythmia and low blood pressure.

I had an ECG, echocardiogram, and 24 hour monitor from the cardiologist. ECG came back with sinus arrhythmia but cardiologist said I'm still young and some people just have it - no worries. Other tests came back normal.

My GP thinks I need a second opinion because it doesn't explain my low BP. I went back to the cardiologist and he says my BP isn't even that low - ranging from 90's/60's and up (normal for me is around 115/70's.

Still with the dizziness and racing heart, even at times where I don't feel very anxious. I'm starting to accept that my heart is fine. My GP put me back on Zoloft (25mg every other day for a week then go up to weekly). Today will be the third time I will take it. I am obsessive about checking my symptoms. The articles on this site are helpful, and I am calling a therapist after the weekend. Any encouragement or reassurance? Thanks :)

29-08-15, 21:14
So many of us are in the same boat. I have sinus arrhythmia and it's apparently completely normal. Can you feel it in your pulse, does it speed up then slow down etc?

My blood pressure is fine but I feel dizzy a lot of the time. I get the sensation of when you're in a lift (elevator) and it stops, it's hard to explain but it feels horrible. I relate every problem I feel to my heart, sadly.

I don't really have any advice but sometimes it's nice to know you're not the only one.

29-08-15, 23:01
It is nice to know you're not the only one. Thanks for your reply.

I can feel my heart beat speed up when I inhale and slow down when I exhale. I've been dizzy for two days straight now. Yesterday my BP was fine. I took my Zoloft today, and the BP is low. Nauseous with slight headache too. Hopefully it's just a side effect that will go away after my body readjusts to the meds.

Hope you are doing well.