View Full Version : Positives Facts wanted

29-08-15, 19:40
Due to personal experience I know a lot of the cancer facts we see are often made out to try and shock especially on TV. Has anyone got any facts which could make someone more calm or any of the scary facts debunked to which people like me can look to for some sort of reassurance. The 1 that worries me quite a lot is the 1 about 1 in 2 people getting it. Replies are appreciated

29-08-15, 19:46
The tv ads etc are supposed to be public service but of course more often than not they just frighten people. My GP said he was totally sick of them as when they ran the " had a cough for 3 weeks see your Dr it could be lung cancer" one he said his surgery was choked with non smokers with coughs that were due to a virus that ws doing the rounds! He said the truly at risk people ( smokers) could not get an appt and they were the ones who were least likely to come anyway.

Remember that the statistics of 1 in 2 people getting cancer also include all the huge number of people who get minor skin cancers in later life that will never ever be life threatening etc so this skews the statistics hugely.

29-08-15, 19:53
I always wondered do most statistics about survival include people who die of other causes as if its often that older people get cancer it may be something else which causes them to pass away

29-08-15, 20:12
Hi, I think those ads are very scary if you have a worry about it anyway. It's not just about awareness any more, it's almost constant throughout the day/night. I also would like to hear some positive things about it, also a list of ailments which have symptoms that may well NOT be 'C' but simply some treatable condition that happens to your body, especially as you age. It's always about horrible things that will finish you off! :-/

29-08-15, 20:14
Thats exactly how I feel. I know we are the exact demographic which would worry about these things as HA sufferers but I doubt even most people who dont obsess so much want to hear these things constantly.

29-08-15, 20:19
The thing is, despite statistics and facts, cancer is not a positive illness in any way, shape or form. There's really nothing outside of living a healthy lifestyle that can prevent it. There will always be anomalies and cases that defy the stats and facts.

You want a positive fact? For what it's worth, here you go....

Therapy and sometimes meds can and will help you deal with the fears and irrational thoughts that are currently consuming you. You're much too young to be living your life in fear. I'm a cancer survivor as well as a 2X heart attack survivor. I'm living proof that one can overcome and thrive despite the negatives. I struggle with real physical and mental issues every day. The key is I got help and use the tools I learned to quell the mental challenges. Otherwise, exercise and proper nutrition are by weapons.

I suggest you read these threads... good stuff!


Positive thoughts

29-08-15, 20:32
Thanks for your post. I just want to say I am not saying that cancer is in any way positive. I just thought that if there were any facts which could help people with HA the best place for them to be would be here. Secondly your story is very helpful as it shows me that even people who do have these illnesses can overcome them and get better so thank you again for all your replies to my threads Fishmanpa