View Full Version : Left hand keeps going numb, getting worried?

29-08-15, 22:43
When I wake up my left hand seems to be numb, and it stays like that on and off all day. I have no idea if it's something neurological like a migraine or a stroke :unsure: or if it's something like a pinched nerve or carpal tunnel. I'm only 22 so I don't know if that's possible at my age. Plus I take blood pressure medication aka a beta blocker, and I've had an ultrasound of my heart too, everything was good, so I don't know how I could have a stroke. I have noticed the day after drinking caffeine it seems to be worse. I have had migraines with numbness before, but it usually only last 20 minutes. This has been going on and off all week.

I do sleep on/lean on my left arm a lot and my elbow/wrist is bent from using the computer a lot too. Moving my wrist seems to exacerbate it. The back of my hand and my ring/pinky fingers seem to worse affected. Apart from this pins and needles, I'm completely fine. No headache, no paralysis, no drooping face, I can move fine. I even checked my pupils to make sure there was no neurological damage, and they are reacting to light just fine. I phoned NHS 24 and they said it was maybe just anxiety, but I don't think it is. This is really stressing me out though.

29-08-15, 22:47
I do sleep on/lean on my left arm a lot and my elbow/wrist is bent from using the computer a lot too. Moving my wrist seems to exacerbate it. The back of my hand and my ring/pinky figners seem to worse affected. Apart from this pins and needles, I'm completely fine. No headache, no drooping on my face, I can move fine though.

That and the fact that anxiety will exasperate symptoms would be my guess. I get similar symptoms and that's exactly why.

Positive thoughts

31-08-15, 20:23
Carpal and ulnar tunnel. It sucks, but it's totally benign and an annoyance more than anything.

31-08-15, 20:28
Agree with Jared. I have carpal tunnel in both wrists one worse than other and even wearing carpel tunnel splint in bed I still wake up with thumb and first two fingers numb. The feeling comes back very quickly.

If its really bothering you then your Dr can send you to a carpal tunnel clinic as I was for diagnosis and treatment if necessary.