View Full Version : looking for some advice and tips

08-02-07, 12:29
Hi Everyone,

Just wondered if anyone has some tips to help with social anxiety. I have to travel to the US on Sunday with work, which involves me facing two of my major fears. Flying and Presenting!! I can feel myself getting more and more worked up about both.

I've had a head ache now for about a week and I know it's related to how I'm currently feeling. I absolutely hate flying and always think the worst will happen, I spend the entire flight a gibbering wreck. My current though process is that I won’t make it to presentation as something will happen to the plane during the flight. I also feel like I won’t see my husband again. It's horrible the more I try not to think these bad thing the worse it is.

What's worse is that if I get to the US in one piece I then have to do a major presentation in front of the senior management. I'm rubbish at presenting and get so nervous that I can't breath and can hardly speak, if I do manage to get some words out my voice sounds all shaky and like I'm about to burst in to tears.

I am dreading the whole thing and just want the next week to be over!!

Please help! does anyone have any tips for how to control my nerves particularly with regards to the presentation.

Thanks for any help you can provide[V]


08-02-07, 13:09
I was in your shoes 1 year ago. I was flying for the first time by myself for a work project and never been on a plane. I had to take to planes. I actually had shut off the thoughts and decided to make it a fun trip. Everyone I spoke to was exciting and telling me how lucky I was to be able to go on a paid flight. And it was exciting after that because it was something I had never done before and afterwards I had conquered a fear and that felt great.
As for my presentation, I was taught that they ( crowd ) your presetation word per word and when there is a slight screw up, they don't know only you do. Keep going always take a nice deep relaxing breath before and even during. You will feel nervous but it is amazing how it subsides and when you are done most it rolled off by then.
I have found that presentations go well with a bit of humor as the people in there are in the same position you are or were there at one time.
After my first one, people approached me and said how great it was and said I don't know how you do that, I could never stand up there and do that . - Funny that's what I was thinking!
I now just shut off the thoughts and just review my presentation and just go with it.
Just remember if you were serving a large dinner and forgot to bring out the pea's not one would know you made them!

Good Luck, all the best!


08-02-07, 13:22
Hi Becki

Try these links Hun they may help

Flying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3092)
flying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1440)
anxious need some reasurance from my friends here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3918)
plane tommorrow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7374)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"