View Full Version : any tips on how to get movitated

08-02-07, 13:47
i am struggling, i just dont want to get up out of my bed, if i do its like i hav to face more fears, life.i can spend several days hiding in my bed. has anyone any tips on how to break the mould.thanks


Granny Primark
08-02-07, 14:02
Hi pam,

I felt like that a few months ago. Id waken up but didnt want open my eyes, id just want to go back sleep.
I dont know what it was that changed me and how i felt. Id go somewhere with my hubby and realise id coped all day without having a panic attack. Then id think how well id done and feel really proud of myself.
There are still days when i feel really bad but most days now i want to get my glad rags on and go out. Perhaps it was the opening of primark in our city centre that helped. lol
Now ive got another thing to get me motivated, my daughter being pregnant will need me take her for her hospital appointments and scans.
Im sure something will get you motivated to get out, if its only going out in the garden and watching the spring flowers start to bloom.
Hope you feel better soon pam.
Love the chats we have in the chatroom, you are such a breath of fresh air and really make me laugh. (hope ive got the right pam lol)

Take care

08-02-07, 18:29

It's difficult to motivate yourself when your overwhelming desire is to stay in bed and get the day over and done with.

Have you thought about buying some self help books? I found they helped to motivate me when I was lacking motivation even though I was initially a sceptic on books of that genre. Think there's a reading list on this site somewhere.

Best wishes, Kay x

08-02-07, 18:37
elo Pam,

Geez...I know dis one only too well...im der now..n its crap..hate de thought of getn up n goin thru the day..

I have me kids tho...me son who is nearly 19 n has Autism needs me n me monster daughter who is nearly 16..so they atm r keepn me goin..

Have you got kids Pam?

It's so hard wen ur like this...but somehow it has to come from you..we really have to push past it...n just do it...get our asses outa bed n take it from there....music helps me....happy music..not sad songs..but woteva music ya like put it on an sing ya bloomin heart out...god my neighbours must tink im mad sometimes...n de birds have gone..stone de crows lmao..

Set yourself small tasks to achieve every day...no matter how small it is..just do it...it will b hard fora while but ye will find that ye will feel a wee beta hun...occupying ur mind..which i know is so hard wen ye like dis...but it really does help....


Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

08-02-07, 20:41
Hi Pam

I am struggling with this too at present, with lack of motivation due to depression, and wanting to sleep to avoid things.

Setting yourself a small achievable goal each day can help. Perhaps you could aim to get out of bed for half an hour at first if that is a step you could manage, and then build that time up.

From there go to having a wash/bath/shower or getting dressed and staying up for as much of the day as you can.

Try to build in some fun activities you could look forward to going out for. Do you live alone or with a family? What about friends? Could they help motivate you?

It is really hard and I am not doing to well myself but I've been here before and come through it and you can do it too.


Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Dont they know its the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye

10-02-07, 23:25
Hi pamella

I suffer from this too. Particularly at weekends.

I have a small notebook which I write positive things into. Things which made me feel nice, like a hug from my daughter, or hubby bringing me a cuppa, someone appreciating me.

Or sometimes I write things which are achievements for me. Like, going to the supermarket, driving to town, or sometimes just getting out of bed! You really must value yourself and appreciate the things you achieve. It may not be something huge to someone else, but I speak from experience saying that something like doing the washing up can be hard, so if you manage to do it, give yourself a pat on the back. Writing them down somewhere does help reinforce the achievement. As you get used to doing this it helps lift you, thinking of yourself in a positive way. I usually write mine in the evening. It gives me a more positive feeling when I go to bed and I sleep better too.

Hope this helps, :D


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

14-02-07, 20:24
I had the same problem for weeks. I was always tired and didn't want to go anywhere or do anything, I wanted to lay in bed and watch movies all the time. I almost never left my room. As for me, over time I just got really sick of spending all my time in there, I got frustrated with myself for isolating even though I knew it wasn't good for me. So I got up and started doing other things again. It took me a while to get through it, but I did.

I am alone fairly often but I seem to be managing well enough now. I don't go out of the house very often but I am not confined to my room. I basically decided that no matter how anxious or panicky I got I wasn't going to spend all day lying in bed anymore, whatever I had to face, I would face it on my feet. (Or in a chair, as I am now :))

The others here have made some wonderful suggestions. I think it would be good for you to just spend time talking to others who live with you, or set a time every day (as another suggested) that you feel you can cope with leaving your room. It can be as little or as long as you choose, just be persistent and keep doing it every day, let your exposure to the outside build up slowly and over time it will become more manageable.

Talking about this issue with anyone close to you and supportive should help. Ask them to help you, it can be by anything, even something as simple as being with you when you're alone in your room. It takes time some times, but you'll feel better. Be gentle with yourself and just keep working at it.

I realize I'm repeating the advice others have offered, another thing you may want to try is a technique called EFT. If you would like to learn about it, feel free to email me or PM me.

God bless you and good luck,


15-02-07, 13:30
Hi pamella,
I know how you feel. I have to get up to go to work, but when I am at home I dont want to do anything, cook, clean, go out ........I just want to lie on the sofa! Then I feel really guilty cos hubby is opn his own all day and wants to get out and about. I havent got the energy to do anything.
Doc and psych tell me that I need to exercise. it gives you more energy and enthusiasm for life. Next week I'm gonna try walking the dogs everyday! I,m hoping it will give me back a zest for life again.