View Full Version : I'm really sensitive to noise?

30-08-15, 12:56
Since I was really young I've always been very sensitive to noise and now I'm an adult its really starting to become an issue for me and I'm avoiding places where that noise would happen. I'm just wondering if there's any way I can stop this sensitivity to noise. (I'm diagnosed with mild autism so that might explain it)

Like if I were to go to a place where people meet and socialise (such as a bar or a music concert) I would just get overwhelmed with so many conversations going on at once as well as loud music at the same time, so I just become all flustered and find it really hard to socialise and feel stressed.
But even at a family gathering for example I still find it difficult with so many conversations at once and feel I have to escape and people who don't know I have this issue get confused. Things like people loudly laughing or witty, energetic conversations make me feel anxious for some reason and hurts my ears. I remember at school I found classroom noise really difficult and I felt stressed, but it was just a normal working environment.

Other sounds which I'm sensitive to are loud children/babies crying, emergency sirens, loud music (even if its music I like), shouting etc.

One of the biggest problems with this though is that I really enjoy playing music and I feel I must avoid performing because I'm anxious about the idea anyway, but most importantly the noise from the loud crowd of people. Even just watching events on TV with loud people cheering at once and enjoying themselves, all the noise distresses me no matter how many times I expose myself to it.

Is there anything I can do to lessen my anxiety and stress around noise? Or anyone with the same experience? Its just a really big problem for me and I'm avoiding things like meeting new people and socialising and getting a job, due to this.

30-08-15, 13:21
Hi there
I am the same, I hate loud noise. I have done for lits of years. I have found that it is the same as with everything else, the more you avoid it, the worse it gets. I got to a point where I couldn't even stand having the TV on.
I am much better now, I won't say that I particularly like noise, but I can cope with it. My daughter is 6 and doesn't like noise either xx

---------- Post added at 12:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

Forgot to mention,my 6 year doesn't like noise but yet she always speaks at top volume :ohmy:

30-08-15, 19:48
"find they are quickly overwhelmed by noise and confusion, crowded parties, hectic office life……
this is the book to help them understand themselves and how best to cope in various situations."

Book - The Highly Sensitive Person

04-09-15, 11:58
I have this at the moment. It gets me really frustrated and angry and it's very overwhelming. I'm currently at a hospital appointment and iv just had to walk outside because there's to much going in and I felt really funny. It's awful. I feel like I'm going nuts or something x

05-09-15, 23:16
I get this too. I've always been sensitive to noise as well but when my anxiety is playing up it's a lot worse. I think that's a typical symptom for anxiety together with sensitivity to light. I find both of these go back to normal once my anxiety eases off again. Xo.

07-09-15, 06:14
I faced this too and then, my doctor explained to me that noise anxiety is most ordinarily a reaction to trauma, in spite of the fact that in a few ways it can influence those with about any kind of anxiety.