View Full Version : Itching all over!

30-08-15, 16:46
It's driving me nuts. It started off just at night a couple of days ago but today it has been all day. Keep getting itchy in different places last a couple seconds and just goes and pops up somewhere else intone body. There is no rash or any over symptoms. It's really hard not to scratch and really need to sleep. Tried some anti histermene but no relief.

Any ideas? I dare not Dr Google.

Thanks :shrug:

02-09-15, 17:46
Still got it, does anyone else get this? May have to make another Doctors apt, they know me so well :-(

02-09-15, 18:00
Yes I have this now and again but to be honest I had never been concerned about so I haven't ever bothered to find oit what it was, sorry I can't be of much help. But you are not alone...it could be allergy, dry skin...xc

02-09-15, 19:56
Thank you for your reply. HA can make you feel that you are the only one and if i Dr Google I have the worst illness going. I am trying not to focus on it and hope I get some sleep tonight.

06-09-15, 20:58
Hi there, I have had the exact same thing for the past week! Itchy on different parts of my body an when I try and scratch it it jumps around! Have you been to the doctor yet? I'm going to make an appointment this week!

07-09-15, 21:27

I have been having this same problem for maybe the last week or so. I don't really think its a big enough problem to go to the Doctors for so hopefully its just something to do with the weather and will pass. I have noticed we all seem to be in England/Britain so maybe it is something to do with the weather.
