View Full Version : would an EKG reveal any problems?

31-08-15, 00:20
I'm a 20 year old woman who struggled with HA mostly about brain tumors and MS for about 4 months. This all ended (if you can ever consider it "ended") about a month ago after I got a clear MRI.

Prior to this, I was having so many symptoms including chest pains. I only ever had one panic attack (what sparked the whole rest of my HA), so the chest pain isn't from hyperventilation. Anyways, when I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me and so were the doctors, I had an EKG. It came back as normal.

I am still having occasional chest pains and I am worried. Would an EKG show any problems? Or could there be something wrong? I am not at all overweight (maybe a little underweight, even), not super active (do occasional yoga and other activities), and eat pretty healthy.

Heart problems do run in my family though (my grandpa died from heart problems and had multiple heart attacks, and my other grandpa also had heart attacks). I hear stories about people my age or younger dying because they have heart conditions no one ever caught and it scares me.

31-08-15, 15:41

31-08-15, 18:29
An ECG for a couple of minutes would rule out a lot of problems but not all.

As you'll know, heart problems with pain at your age are highly unlikely but not impossible.

Does the pain come and go with any relationship to exercise or stress or any other symptoms? Or is it random?