View Full Version : sharp spring in bed hurt my back?

31-08-15, 10:17
I swear the weirdest things happen to me, I have bad luck. Today I lay down on my bed and felt something sharp poke my back. It was a sharp coiled spring sticking out of my mattress! It was near my spine and now I'm really scared it might have stabbed/damaged my spinal cord. It didn't break the skin, there's a red mark on my skin and I'm scared it somehow managed to inj re my spine. My toes on one foot feel kind of numb. This has really got me worried. Is it possible for a sharp object to injure your spinal cord without breaking the skin or am I crazy? It was my lower back, near the back of my pelvis...

31-08-15, 10:30
The question you have to ask yourself is how hard was the knock. Was it like someone kicking you in the back as hard as they could? The back muscles are strong. People have impact to them all the time but they are fine, otherwise there would be a lot of martial artists unable to walk...and thats not the case. So, by saying you lay down, I would think it would not be anywhere near that and so you shouldn't worry.

You can make your toes number by how you sit, pins & needles, just like other extremities when bloodflow is reduced or nerves pinched.

31-08-15, 11:50
Hey! Don't worry these thoughts happen not just to people who suffer from health anxiety but people who don't too! I've heard many such comments recently, especially when people are stressed.
I would say that your spinal cord is not damaged, and this is confidence on top of the caution I would express by saying such a statement on the internet when I am not a doctor.
Your spinal cord is surrounded by your spine, muscle, tissue. People damage their spinal cords by breaking their back or piercing wounds (breakage of spine normally ensues) or from illnesses that damage nerves.

You lay on a sharp object that scratched you but did not break the skin. I would say, as the spring is not in itself very sharp that you are absolutely fine.

Pinch your toe? Can you feel that? Can you wiggle them? You are absolutely fine then.
Discomfort around the space is normal I promise and especially when you are more highly sensitised to it.
Tomorrow you will have forgotten all about it! :)