View Full Version : Brain tumor fear, again!!!

Constant worry
31-08-15, 10:25
Ok, it's me again i am still convinced that i have brain tumor. I have been to the doctor today, but i wasn't really taken seriouslly. She was just like: ah dont worry that is so rare, there will maybe be 1 person your age diagnosed this year in slovenia. Yes ok, but why wouldn't that be me. Then she gave me a referal for neurologist anyway, but i got my appointment in 3 months!!!! I am gonna run myself crazy during this time.

Ok my symptoms are: something that i convinced myself are simple partial seizures, when i am falling asleep sometimes my left hand seems to start shaking (or i just feel ot shaking) and it lasts for a few seconds. I also get like shaky/shimmering vision, sometimes it looks like when you are looking at the hot road in the summer. When i look with each eye separately it's ok but when i look with both it kind of shakes very slightly. I also get random pain/pressure in my head during the day that stays from a few minutes to few hours and then goes away.

Please, i am so scared has anyone experienced something like this and it turned out to be somthing not so serious, i just can't think of anything alse right now. Scary is also that when i get those things i am not even anxious. When i got my first "seizure" i was enjoying myself in japan and i hahen't worried in a whole 2 weeks. I am also going on another vacation now and when i came back i go to paris:roflmao: and i don't want to ruin it all with my worries (wouldn't be the first time):doh:. Does anyone have any tips on how to get this out of my head at least for this time?

Btw i am 18.:wacko:

03-09-15, 07:54
Hey there,
Your symptoms do not sound as though u have a brain tumor ... What it does sound like is that your eyesoght may be off. You would most likely benefit from an eye exam.. If you see fine with one eye at a time but your sight is blurry when you are looking through both. Then it could be that you may need some glasses... If u have glasses then you may need to change the prescription.
These aren't seizures that you are having. It sounds like classic anxiety.
And isn't related to a tumour.
Have u done any tests at all??