View Full Version : Need to fight this

natalie yog
31-08-15, 11:40
Well if you've read my past posts you'll know that my latest health anxiety is focused on brain aneurysms (seen dr and optician all clear). I'm trying to get back to the person I was and enjoy the things I used to do (sewing,reading...). But now another reason I really need to fight this is that my Mum has had a health scare and will be going to the doctor this week and needs me to be there for her like she has always been for me. My Mum raised me as a single parent and I'm here only child so we're very close.

31-08-15, 14:40
Aw bless. Deep breaths and try and be supportive for your mum. Take care xx

31-08-15, 15:15
Keep strong and remind yourself of the facts. I've found it comforting to write in the Notes section of my IPhone a list of things that are factual (e.g. how many appointments I've recently had where I've been told I'm OK, what examinations/tests have been done etc). Your mum needs you and you CAN do this.

natalie yog
31-08-15, 16:20
Thanks I'm I'm more determined than ever. Plus the the counsellor I'm going to see is in a building where they do massage therapies so I'm going to book my Mum in.