View Full Version : Severe anxiety leading to depression and suicidal thoughts. Living on hell

31-08-15, 11:50
I don't know what to do, I'm so unhappy. I just want this horrible life to be over. Nobody cares about me apart from my wife and the rest will soon forget me or celebrate my death and say at long bloody last. I will soon be forgot and why on earth would I want to struggle from one day to the next knowing most people would want me dead or out of Georgie's life, she ain't going to get better until I'm dead and it hurts me knowing I've done this to her. It feels like emotional abuse and it destroys me thinking that. I so want to die today but for some reason I'm not feeling so brave. I'm scared of not succeeding and I'm scared that there is a chance of recovery and I will be better eventually so I would be mad to throw that chance away. The thing is I ain't got the time. I'm so depressed and just have no fight left. What feels like a minute to someone, feels like an eternity to me. It feels like times going backwards and it's such a massive struggle trying to make it go forward. I just ain't got the time for myself and I can no longer do this to my wife. I want to be happy but I think I'm way past that possibility of that ever happening again. I'm told it takes time, I ain't got time and how much time are they talking about. I don't have an eternity of wanting to carry on torturing myself and living in this godforsaken hell. I just want out and so wished I could go to dignitas and be put to a peaceful sleep. I'm not strong enough for this world and society don't want anybody that are weak and not able to get up, look after themselves and go out and work and earn their own money. I can't see me working for a long time and that's if I'm lucky to work at all. I don't want to wait around for society to push me under. It seems the logical thing to do now is to end it and stop being a drain on society and on my wife's mental state. I do want to be independent and hold my head up high but it just ain't going to happen. I'm just going to push Me and my wife further down a slippery road and in debt, in turn losing this flat and being in a financial mess. I'm just not strong enough. I want life just to disappear and me to be at peace for an eternity and hopefully be along side my dad in heaven if they allow me in. Please take this away, I can't carry on living like this anymore. Let me be at peace if I can't be helped. Don't let me be tortured daily if I've not got a fighting chance. I just want to sleep for ever and never wake up. I can't live like this anymore and also I can't allow my wife to live like this anymore. I'm so exhausted, so so exhausted, please god let me sleep forever. The world is against me, it's my thought and I allowed it to get to this state of no return. People just don't see a chance for me and I'm just a drain on them or a drain on their resources. I want to be saved so badly but don't know if I have the strength anymore to be saved. I'm so sorry to the people that do love me and have tried to help me. I feel selfish for thinking like this to the people that want me to be happy and live. Sorry!!!

Below is what my wife Georgie wrote.

Monday 31 August 2015.

Mike has been having mood swings. Sometimes his mood can stay the same for minutes or hours. His moods can change so quick. One minute laughing next he is in deep depression. He may be positive, thinking about his/our future. Next it's suicidal thoughts. Mike tells me he does want to live. It could be minutes or an hour and Mikes mood changes and he didn't want to live anymore. Mike can be irritable and snappy. Then later saying sorry because he doesn't want to hurt me. But he doesn't hurt me. I do understand.

When Mike talks about our future, I know money worries him. Keeping the flat, paying all the maintenance bills etc. we know it can be a lot of money. Because it can be a lot of money, Mike constantly worries that we will lose the flat and have little or no money. I know it scares Mike, it does me too. All I can do is try and reassure him.

Mike is in constant distress thinking no one cares. And we would be better off without him. No one would go to his funeral. His family doesn't care if he lives or dies. Mike feels they are just waiting for him to die. Mike listens to a song about Beachy Head. About suicide. Mike is also constantly looking at videos, blogs, Google, web page etc. The web pages are about suicide how to do it, what works, what doesn't work, what is most and less pain. Where to go. I find it distressing that Mike is looking and researching these things. It saddens and worries me, that Mike is reading these pages and he is thinking about it. He is on number 8/10 on the suicidal scale. As I understand it's not an open threat. Because Mike has done it before. It's not a matter of "if" but "when and where" I hope and pray everyday that Mike gets the help and support he needs. And quick before the hour glass runs out of sand.

Mike is my life. I can't imagine my life without Mike in it. Or if I can live without him. When Mike was taken in to Maidstone hospital on the Tuesday 16 June 2015. My world fell apart. I had no routine, no proper meals. Just lived off crisps and sweets, my sister did look after me. She did pick me up and cook for me, and one night I stayed at hers. I had a couple of panic attacks when I thought of living the rest of my life alone. Because if I haven't got Mike, I don't want anyone else. We will be married 2 years come September 28 2015. I am only 34 and Mike is only 45. Too young to die, too young to be a widow. I want Mike and I to grow old together.

When Mike went into hospital 16 June 2015, he had an horrendous time. But it is what needed to be done. Mike wasn't safe at home. When Mike came home, he told me where he had pills hidden. I found 7 packets!! A few days later Mike gave me another 5 packets!! That he had hidden. Mike had planned to do it again. And succeed. I cried, and I asked Mike if he had "any more tablets" Mike answered "no". I was pleased he gave them to me. But saddened that he had them. It does play on my mind if he has another stash of tablets. Because Mike is on a lot of medication, and I guess he could take a fatal dose of any of them. I do control Mike's medication, but like the last lot of pills he had, he can hide them and I wouldn't notice. And he could end his life any time. Mike said he is more likely to jump off Beachy head. Every day I live with this anguish. We do respect each other's privacy, so I would have never of found them.

Mike did say that "if we had a baby he would have more to live for, more to fight for " I don't feel like an complete woman. I feel like a big part of me is missing. And that's giving Mike a baby. Few years back when we were going for I.V.F we could have coped. Then his sister makes a sick allegation, and the distress and anxiety I gained 2 and half 3 stone plus, I lost for treatment. Weight loss is so hard. No one seems to understand the pain I have because I can't become a mum. Mike would have been a wonderful dad. And I've taken that from him. It hurts and really frustrates me when people go on about our options. Also hurts when my sister offers to carry a baby for me. And she got offended when I said "no". Being pregnant is amazing, breastfeeding etc, is all I've ever wanted. It's like when I tell people I wouldn't be able to breastfeed and how sad I feel. I get no care or empathy I just get told well you bottle feed. But they are missing the point. There is no comparison to my pain. I know if you can have kids, you will never understand. Its complicated. I know it hurts Mike too. He say no it's ok, we wouldn't cope with all going on, but i am sure he only tells me that to stop me worrying. I feel useless. Mike say's I would be better off without him, no way. But maybe he will be better off without me?

Mike is in constant pain, and distress with his skin. He went to London hospital on the 26 August 2015. And was diagnosed with having "Urticaria" And his nose they said there is nerve damage, damage to the lining, and damaged receptors. No cure for either. Mike has been told he will have to find ways of coping. They have offered specialist counselling. It's just the waiting game again. All this keeps pulling Mike down. And he tells me he hasn't got the strength to fight any more. And I am not enough for him. He needs more support. I feel so useless, and helpless. I wish I could take away all the problems. I feel like a snow ball rolling down a hill, getting bigger all the time.

Mike also suffers with night terrors. He screams out in the night at least 2/3 times if not more. One night he screamed out 5 times. I don't touch Mike. I gently say his name till he answers me. Mike has had one or two good nights. But most of the time he doesn't sleep well. He either can't breath because of his nose closing or his throat closing, getting tight. Or he is in horrendous pain with his skin. He tells me it's like being stung with hundreds of stinging nettles. The rashes are horrendous too. Mike has been keeping a photo record of them. The rashes seem to be getting worse.

I know Mike suffered with mental Health problems at the beginning, since I've known him. But the physical problems have made it so much harder to cope. The pain and the distress is getting too much for Mike to cope with.

31-08-15, 13:41
I don,t know what to say Mike apart from people do get better sounds like you are having a terrible time .

Is it worth ringing the NHS crisis team ?

31-08-15, 15:01
Thanks for the songs and you're thoughts. I've been listening a lot to Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture full with cannons over last couple of days (my track for my funeral) it's to give me a good send off because I've been an extraordinary fighter like many of you out there and deserve the best send off ever, hence the church bells and cannons with this track.
I've spoke to the crisis team for an hour last week and the boss of my CPN has given him a good kick up the arse once again to help me. He visited and promised a support worker twice a week plus he would also visit. I've been crying out for help since January but got hardly anything. Been continuously let down. Even turned to the Samaritans but still ended up taking 42 sleeping tablets. This time it has to be done right and I've researched so much and know where and how, just don't know when. I'm a fighter but over the months I've Been broken bit by bit and everyone has turned against me and enjoyed twisting the knife. I want to get better for my wife but fear it's too late. I just hate the non stop pain and many nights of not being able to sleep. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. It feels like the life has been ripped out of me and I just don't know how to get it back again and to be happy. It's total torture and I just want it all to go away. I only have my wife but sadly it's not enough and I'm making her very unwell and I see only one solution. I don't want sympathy, never have. Just understanding and a little help. I fear this time it too late for help and all I'm doing is waiting for the inevitable and that is my end. I will fight to the bitter end but it's hard and I just want my body to shut down. My mental health has lasts been a massive problem but now I have to work with two physical health problems also that have no recovery and has made and will make a massive horrendous change in life that I don't know I have the strength for it all. It makes me angry that I feel that nobody understands or cares. Thank you for your time. Xx

31-08-15, 17:03
Mike .....PLEASE don,t give in .

The message from your wife shows she cares , its the anxiety / illness / depression making you feel this way , never give up .

You are at Rock bottom i can see that i,ve been there but there is a way out , up is the only way to go .

I,ve got mates who have a terminal illness but got through anxiety / depression and now still enjoy life knowing they have " possibly" less time than there family friends but some how they cope .

I know the minutes seem like hours like you say but don,t let the ******* beat you Mike .

Just a simple walk that i have to force myself to do improves things a little , thankfully i,m not as bad as my last time .....i beat it then and will again .

Best wishes

31-08-15, 17:17
Hi Mike

I know I don't know much about you or your story but didn't want to read all that and not reply. You have so much to live for its all there in your wife's words. Recovery is completely possible and could be your reality. Just imagine you happy again with your wife, this can be achieved it's not a fairy tale it just feels like it right now. You still have chance to make your happy ending, don't take that chance away from yourself. Everyday that you have soldiered on despite feeling this way makes you a really brave person, it's tough but you're doing it.

I hope you get the help you deserve and soon. In the meantime, try and make a plan for life not death, look up what you want to do even if you don't feel any connection. What's your plan a? What do you and your wife want to do? What would the old Mike be doing, thinking or planning to do? Because he is still in there waiting to get his chance to shine again.

31-08-15, 17:51
That is very touching hearing all your words. I mean touching from my heart. I've been feeling so isolated even with my wife around. Feeling that nobody cared and everyone out there hated me. Maybe these words of encouragement can help me get from one day to the next, I don't know but I need to try. Try for the likes of you guys that have been there and for my wife and those that may love me. I'm hoping it's not too late but my thought processes are pretty screwed up and I feel I won't be able to repair them.
I had some life changing news about my health last week that will effect my quality of life until I'm dead. There is no recovery, just occasionally having remission or a good day or two. I do need to focus on these has I did have 6 months remission last year where I enjoyed life with my wife and had our first proper holiday. I thought I was at long last well but the illnesses hit me at the beginning of this year big time effecting my metal health massively. The horrendous pain of anxiety has many of you are aware of was with me nearly 24/7 day in, day out, month in and month out. Occasionally being lucky with a good bit of sleep. Anxiety is horrendous has you all know. Now it's led into depression.
I am getting the help hopefully but I've been promised this before without results but I think this time there all on top of it. I just hope it's not too late. I'm going to also get counselling for my mental health has well has seeing another top councillor to help me work with my physical conditions. I just can't visualise living like this for another 20-30 years plus. The physical side is horrendous and when I have my mental health breakdowns its magnified significantly. I'm frightened everyday because I don't want to die but I don't know if I'm strong enough for this for another 20-30 years plus. I'm frightened I will end up at Beachy head soon. I visualise it everyday and it's horrible. I hate heights and I keep visualising jumping and my stomach feels like it's coming out my mouth. This is the only very good chance of success. Where my wife is frightened in case I go and do something. Not knowing if I will be around the next day. I feel evil doing this to her. If I was her I would feel exactly the same and be frightened every second of the day about her. I don't like doing this to her but I don't like her seeing me like this. Thanks guys for your words and most of all warmth. I have been or have lost hope with the human race. I will fight to the bitter end xx

31-08-15, 18:04
Mike, I can tell the fight is within you and you want too succeed so don't let anything else sway you otherwise. There is so much hope for you, so much room for improvement in how you are feeling. So don't give up hope. I'm sorry to hear you are having health problems but as you say focus on the positives, the good days an the chance for remission.

I haven't been on this forum long but we are definitely all in it together and there are so many people on here that care. So please don't feel alone.

31-08-15, 18:34

Where do you live mate ?

Perhaps a member locally could offer some support .

PM me :hugs:

31-08-15, 23:03

I know how impossible it feels, but there is always HOPE! You can beat this! Please keep fighting! Your wife loves you and is on your side! There are so many things you can try to help you feel some relief. Please just keep trying things until you feel better.

What helps me, is taking each day as it comes. You're goal today is to get through today...in fact, maybe just getting through the next hour! Don't think about tomorrow or next week or month...try not to think and worry about money. Take care of yourself moment by moment. Love yourself. You are worth it.

Life can get better! It really can!

15-10-15, 07:53

I know how impossible it feels, but there is always HOPE! You can beat this! Please keep fighting! Your wife loves you and is on your side! There are so many things you can try to help you feel some relief. Please just keep trying things until you feel better.

What helps me, is taking each day as it comes. You're goal today is to get through today...in fact, maybe just getting through the next hour! Don't think about tomorrow or next week or month...try not to think and worry about money. Take care of yourself moment by moment. Love yourself. You are worth it.

Life can get better! It really can!

I like your advice.