View Full Version : Medication question

31-08-15, 13:33
Hi all,

I was put on Sertraline (50mg) a few weeks ago for my anxiety. I was given 28 pills and am down to my last 2. My doctor told me at the time to make a follow-up appointment at the time that I get to the end of the medication. Now, the only time I could get in to see him was this coming Thursday - meaning there'll be at least one day where I have no pill to take.

Is this dangerous/could it affect me badly not taking one?


31-08-15, 14:10
No it's not exactly dangerous but in all honesty you knew for four weeks what the plan wasand you should have organised your follow up appointment earlier.

If you are that worried phone the surgery tomorrow and leave a message for your doctor, who will come back to you if they think it is necessary.

31-08-15, 15:12
My GP works part time and I did ring up 3 weeks ago...

31-08-15, 15:23
Ramping up on an SSRI as well as coming off often can cause side effects. At this point, you're just getting to the point where is should be working. To come off cold turkey, while not dangerous, can be unpleasant. I would call your doctor or another in the practice and get a refill until you appointment. Also contact your pharmacy, they often can give you a few pills to hold you over until the prescription is renewed.

Positive thoughts

31-08-15, 22:32
Contact the surgery and explain the situation. There is no reason why your GP can't write you a prescription now for you to pick up.

I've had this happen to me. My GP would tell me to book an appointment now for 4 weeks time and the receptionists just refuse to book so far ahead (who is in charge at these places, eh? :doh:) so I've had to go to their walk in and also see my GP a week or so after the prescription ran out because that's all I could get when I came back when the receptionists good me was the earlier date to try to book one! Good use of NHS resources there eh?

Your GP should not leave you to knowingly suffer potential withdrawal.

01-09-15, 14:11
Thanks very much guys - I rung the surgery this morning and the doctor I spoke to sent a new batch of sertraline to my pharmacist. Thank god!