View Full Version : What else could these symptoms be if not what I am scared of?

31-08-15, 19:48
I have been having symptoms of pains in my lower stomach for a few weeks, and also my back on one side and sometimes feels like bowels. I also had frequent weeing but it's not as bad now. I'm past menopause and haven't any bleeding or discharge, just the pain and bloating a bit. Nothing seems to be what it could be from reading on here, and I don't want to Google it as I'm so so scared of what it could be. What on earth else could it be, does anyone know?

I'm so worried about it and it seems to be going on and on with the same pains. Would I not feel really ill if it was the horrible 'C' word? Anyone with any support or just similar symptoms out there? Please, any info would be great.

31-08-15, 20:19

31-08-15, 20:58
Thanks, Sial but this is different to IBS, which I have but never had this type of symptoms before. The pains are more like womb/period pains, like I'm about to or have a period. I am trying not to worry and have been really good with my anxiety lately but it's just scaring me in case it's one something really bad as not sure if anything else would have these 'female' type symptoms. Any reassurance anyone can give me of their own experience of this would be greatly appreciated?