View Full Version : Brought back down

01-09-15, 00:52
I was feeling relatively well today until I was brought crashing down with another Brain tumor symptom. I was sitting with my cousin and could smell graphite like the smell of a pencil tip for a second at a time a few times and when I asked my cousin to see if he could smell it this sent me into overdrive. Just now i felt like I smelt it again and now im freaking out again. I read on the brain cancer uk website and it says loss of smell is a symptom but nothing about different smell. I dont remember this happening before. Any advice is appreciated.

01-09-15, 13:30
I am now completely having a panic attack. I have for several years felt like my lung is touching the front of my ribs and the back and now Im worried that this was lung cancer due to second hand smoke and now ive read up on stories about this disease and people have no symptoms when it has spread so I am not worried that I have a brain tumour from the lung tumour I have had symptoms for, for ages and that I will go to a doctor and be diagnosed and given weeks to live as I read someones symptom was clearing their throat a lot which I do a lot . I am having a panic attack someone please help.

01-09-15, 14:08
You can lose your sense of smell with cold/flu symptoms. Smelling graphite or other smells doesn't necessarily constitute a sign of brain cancer. Googling smelling graphite or other smells can be many many things. I used to smell sodium salt smells as a child. It would come and go, but I've smelt more recently the smell of sick vomit! Disgusting I know, but discovered the smell came from a bottle of water I had been drinking and as soon as I had some mints the smell went away and hasn't returned.

Another factor could be dental hygiene. Or it could be something you ate.

01-09-15, 14:13
stop googling and stop looking up symptoms on websites is the best advice you can be given for now,you are scaring yourself for no reason

01-09-15, 14:26
I just dont know what to do anymore it feels like my world is crashing down and the only thing my symptoms could be is late stage lung cancer.

01-09-15, 15:12
I'm not one for reassurance but when logic and reasoning don't work, there's really nothing anyone can say. If you truly feel that unwell, call your doctor and make an appointment.

I would also print out some of your threads and show them to him while you're there. It's blatantly apparent you need help with your anxiety. Perhaps showing your GP the depth of your anxiety will prompt him into taking some action to help.

Positive thoughts

01-09-15, 15:18
Im sorry I know it may seem stupid but im finding it difficult to get past this fear

01-09-15, 15:31
Im sorry I know it may seem stupid but im finding it difficult to get past this fear

It's not stupid. To you and everyone here who has anxiety or a fear or depression it's very real to you despite what's black and white to others.

It's a very real illness, just not physical. The fact is, if you have a physical illness, you have it treated. The same goes for a mental illness. It's not always as cut and dry as taking a pill but it starts with the inner desire to get better.

I have physical issues that can bury me six feet under. You and many others have mental issues that are doing that above ground. Talk to your GP. Show him threads if you feel inhibited talking about it but do something to help yourself.

This forum is great in that it's cathartic to write out your fears to a degree and there's a certain amount of comfort in knowing there are others who are going through similar fears but it's not a substitution for professional help.

Good luck and positive thoughts

01-09-15, 16:27
Its true and I will be getting help but for now its still hard to accept that this is not the worst for me because reading the stories of people with this made me so sad and made me feel like what if thats me which has made me incredibly scared.

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 15:36 ----------

Can anyone estimate my chance of having lung cancer at 20 only ever had 1 puff of smoke and didnt like it but used to get some second hand...

01-09-15, 18:27
'I am 20 and have had Health Anxiety for about 4 years. This made me think I had several diseases including several types Cancer and many others. A few months ago I had exams and ever since I have not stopped worrying. Every time I overcome a fear within minutes I will think of something else wrong with me. My current obsession is Dementia and how I am having symptoms and am bound to get it eventually because of my anxiety and current symptoms.'

Does this look familiar?

Mate, relax. Whatever I say won't take the worry away but you have to believe me that you don't have lung cancer. I obviously just checked some of the threads you have made and you seem to have diagnosed yourself with about 48 different cancers over the last few months.

The chances of you having lung cancer and a brain tumor with no real symptoms are extremely small. Pretty much non existent. I get phantom smells now and then, I'm pretty sure everyone does.

If you had end stage lung cancer you would know it.

01-09-15, 19:07
Oh Jamie. You are in total meltdown at the moment jumping from one fatal illness to another in space of hours let alone days. Please do as suggested and print out all your posts in past few weeks on here and take them to your Dr as they really really need to know just how bad you are.

We cannot offer any reassurance as you won't believe us no matter what we say.

You have no symptoms of lung cancer/glaucoma/brain cancer but you do have massive symptoms of anxiety.

01-09-15, 19:26
Thanks for your advice. I will make sure I do as you guys suggested as I really dont have many symptoms not caused by anxiety and those that arent at all serious as they are minor things here and there exaggerated. I thank all the people who have replied for the support and understanding and for the advice which I hope will help me to stop my worrying and live in the now.