View Full Version : Want to get this clear, Can anxiety cause ANY SYMPTOM?

01-09-15, 01:27
Everyone on here is very knowledgeable when it comes to anxiety and deep down I know the answer to my own question but I need second opinions and reassurance.

Can it literally cause any symptoms? Like even really weird/odd/out there ones you wouldn't even get with a normal illness?

Could you share some symptoms you suffer with, I would really like to know I'm not the only one, I'm still currently suffering with genital related symptoms and they're becoming scarier by the day..

Also even if you are distracted/not thinking about the fear at that second can the symptoms still be present? I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday for them to check it out but nonetheless I'm still petrified.

01-09-15, 09:23
What symptoms are you having? Xx

02-09-15, 02:03
Well, if my life is any example, yes. Ha ha. But really, my issue really is that I don't imagine symptoms, instead every itty bitty thing gets extremely blow out of proportion until I am sure that it is something horrific and deadly. You are not alone for sure.

17-09-15, 19:28
Hello. I don't have the answer but I too have a genital related symptom. Even though when I'm having a panic attack it feels terrifying, I kind of think that if I had something seriously wrong with me I wouldn't experience the range of symptoms I do...because over the 11 months I've had panic disorder (if that is what it is) I have experienced a million different symptoms.

17-09-15, 20:24
In a word - yes. It's not necessarily the anxiety that causes them, but your body's continual reaction to stress.

Your muscles will get tighter, which can cause headaches, eye problems, twitching, fatigue and so on if it goes on for a while.

You'll also be more prone to exacerbating your symptoms. Feeling tired for anyone else becomes "it must be cancer" to someone with anxiety.

17-09-15, 20:37

Look through the info on NMP and you will be amazed how many different symptoms and real pain are caused by anxiety.

Look up The Calm Clinic, read it but don't subscribe as they list literally hundreds of symptoms.

18-09-15, 04:03
I wouldn't say it can cause absolutely ANY symptom, but probably most.

Like I don't think anxiety could cause spontaneous bruising or angina but other than outliers I really think chronic, extreme stress/worrying can cause just about any symptom, especially when it's compounded with psychosomatic sensations.

That said, you should always see your doctor if you have a new symptom that is particularly concerning just to be on the safe side, but hopefully this puts you at ease somewhat. Honestly, you wouldn't believe some of the symptoms I've had. As a result of long-term increased tension in my wrists and ankles, the tendons/muscles were working harder than they had to to support my joints and now that I've lost a lot of tension in the area my joints have actually become hypermobile! I had no issue with them until my worst bout of anxiety/stress brought on by my final school exams. Now my joints crack and are weak and I have tendonitis in my arms. I don't say that to scare you (it's completely benign anyway and not even that noticeable), I just wanted to highlight how profoundly anxiety can have an effect on your body.

Take care :)