View Full Version : Panic attacks - ectopics heartbeats question

01-09-15, 03:17
Hey everyone!

27 yrs old, male here. Been suffering from cardiophobia, anxiety and panic disorder for around 10 years.

I've experimented my first run of pvc's last year while i was doing high intensity exercise after being inactive for long time (combined with high stress, etc). Ever since that time, i have to admit that i'm quite scared of them.

I've had almost all the tests available for the heart done during the last 8-12 months. Those include:

- EKG ( at least 50 and i'm not joking)
- Echo (November 2014)
- Stress test (November 2014)
- Holter (last month - July 2015)
- Blood tests (January 2015)
- X-Ray (January 2015)

I have been told that everything is normal and my heart is structurally fine. Holter was also normal with some benign pvc/pac (around 700 combined in 23 hours).

While those tests have re-assured me and made me feel better about the isolated pvc/pac events (when i'm laying in bed, relaxing, etc) i still have a question.

Sometimes when i am very nervous or stressed (example: if i drive motorcycle on road, if i go to a place with alot of people that loo at me) my heart will have that big 'TUMP' then if i don't control myself the best as i can (and it takes alot of effort) my heart will start going at around 150-180 (which doesn't really scares or bother me since i know it's sinus tachcardia from what the EKG said at the ER) but my heart will also start to skip almost every other beat. I had around 3 episodes like this during the last year where my heart jump rocket and skip every beats - 2nd beats. Usually it goes away as soon as i'm in hospital. Last time i had to drive myself 25min and i really felt like i was gonna die even though i had no other symptoms.

I'm scared this might be vtach and that i could die suddenly. I mean, as soon as i went to hospital they plugged me to EKG machine and told me it was sinus tachycardia but by then my skips were already gone....

Is it possible that i had vtach with the skips and when the skips stopped it turned into sinus tachycardia? or is it possible it could of been only sinus tachcardia with run of pvc due to stress?

As i said, i'm not worried about the general pvc/pacs (i have maybe 4-5 that i feel per day but its ok) but i do really fear those that come one after one for 10-20 minutes when i have panic attack.


03-09-15, 07:59
So I have the exact same symptoms as u. And its usually when I have anxiety or I feel stressed etc. My heart will skip a beat..I'll feel a lump in my throat and then it will start racing super quick. Then after 10-15 minutes it will slow down and beat normally again and I'm left feeling drained.
This is alllllll anxiety. You have had every single heart test that you can possibly do and it has all come back normal.
Your heartbis 100% healthy. The only thing that is causing these skipped beats and excessive heart racing is your anxiety and ur adrenaline.
Your heart will not suddenly stop.
The less u worry and pay attention your heart beat the less symptoms u will have and I can proonise u it wk gocaway. Stop focusing on your fear. Stress can cause an array of horrime symptoms including the ones u are having.

09-09-15, 15:27
Had a missed heart beat and then a big thud in my chest which to be honest frightened the s##t out of me. Talked to my gp and he has told me an ectopic beat which is perfectly normal with my intense anxiety. I too have had ecgs and chest xrays and blood tests, so rationally I know my heart is OK but the irrational side tells me heart attack. I find listening to a hypnotherapy relaxation and slowing my breathing helps.