View Full Version : Don't know what to do anymore

01-09-15, 04:55
I'm reaaaaaally struggling here. I feel for the past month I haven't felt myself. I'm struggling with who I am, overthinking it, ripping myself apart, realizing how insecure and messed up I am! I think it's inevitable that I'll be dealing with this sh*t for the rest of my life and it will probably be the death of me! I don't know which way to turn, I am a lost cause and a waste of space and Im so scared of turning to people to help because this year has shown me that people aren't all that sincere, so there is comfort in nothing!!

01-09-15, 11:59
Firstly, you're NOT a waste of space. You're NOT a lost cause.

I feel exactly like you feel right now so you're not alone either.

Have you given Mind a call?


01-09-15, 12:48
Elik...take a breath and relax..you are not alone with this,im sure that wont make things better,but there is good suport in hear....trust me,iv been in a very very dark place before and felt just like you are feeling right now,but i can tell you i am not like that anymore,im not fully recovered but im much better ,it takes time and changes and a lot of hard work and possitive thinking to change it all..but you can and will get there in time,trust me...have you been to the doctors for advice and suport ? See what they can sugest for you..post in hear for external suport,there are many people that have been where you are and have coped and changed things..good luck....greg